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題名: 《忘憂卡米地》紀錄片創作論述
Can Comedians Stand Up?
作者: 羅小乙
Luo, Xiaoyi
貢獻者: 王亞維
Wang, Yae-Wei
Luo, Xiaoyi
關鍵詞: 紀錄片
Live comedy club Taipei
Live comedy
Talk Show
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 1-四月-2019
摘要: 《忘憂卡米地》故事圍繞台灣第一家喜劇俱樂部的興衰展開,通過記錄從卡米地俱樂部學習成長的三位年輕藝人賀瓏、安迪(蕭正揚)、曾博恩的各自發展現狀,來探討當代現場喜劇藝人的生活處境和人生態度。\r\n卡米地俱樂部十一年風雨飄搖,總監張碩修一直致力於培養台灣的現場喜劇人才和市場。在現場喜劇不景氣的情況下,年輕藝人的未來有太多不確定性。賀瓏在演完今年的漫才專場之後,參加了上海《相聲有新人》選秀節目,可惜被淘汰;回台灣後,參與博恩創辦的台灣第一檔脫口秀節目《博恩夜夜秀》,第一季結束,節目被收掉了,他又回到了卡米地,回到了原點。\r\n現場喜劇在台灣的市場很小,這些年輕人在歷練中,漸漸學會在理想和現實之間做妥協。慶幸的是,《博恩夜夜秀》讓年輕人開始了解「單口喜劇」和「脫口秀」,甚至樂意買票進劇場看演出。\r\n論述內容詳細說明了本片的創作動機和製作歷程,並結合觀眾反饋和導師建議,對作品的局限性和未來延展方向進行闡述。
Can Comedians Stand Up? revolves the rise and fall of Live Comedy Club Taipei which is the first comedy club in Taiwan. It is to explore the development status and attitudes of three young comedians,Ho Lung,Andy Hsia and Brian Tseng,whose career started from this Club.\r\nLive Comedy Club Taipei has many ups and downs in the last 11 years. The chief inspector Sosio Chang has been committed to cultivating talented comedians and broadening the live comedy market in Taiwan. However,the market is still down which causes too much uncertainty of young comedians about the future. Ho Lung participated \" Talented Cross-talk Performers \" reality TV show in Shanghai after completing the annual Manzai performance but failed; After back to Taiwan,he participated in the team of the talk show named \" The Night Night Show with Brian \" which is the first trial in Taiwan. The show was canceled for some reason after the end of the first season. Finally,Ho Lung returned back to Live Comedy Club Taipei as the beginning.\r\nThe live comedy market in Taiwan is still small,so these young comedians gradually began to compromise between dreams and reality. Fortunately,\" The Night Night Show with Brian \" introduced \" Stand-up Comedy \" and \" Talk Show \" to young generation. And it turns out that this young groups even glad to buy tickets to watch stand-up comedy.\r\nThe critique illustrates the inspiration and production process of the short documentary film,also,it contains the limitations and prospective plan of the documentary film considering the feedback of audience and suggestions from instructors.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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