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dc.contributor.advisorSu, Herngen_US
dc.contributor.authorXu, Yi-Yien_US
dc.creatorXu, Yi-Yien_US
dc.description.abstract摘要\n近年來隨著中國經濟實力的上升,國際間更加關注中國的發展,但有學者和研究指出,中國崛起的接受程度一直受到形象不佳和軟實力薄弱的困擾。為了塑造理想型和高度政治化幻覺的形象,世界各國都利用大眾媒體塑造自己的形象,國家形象的建構離不開大眾媒體,但在現代媒體中,電影的影響力不容忽視,在塑造國家形象方面,電影承擔著十分重要的功能。\n在2017年,軍事題材電影「戰狼2」在中國國內脫穎而出,成為中國內地上映的所有電影排名票房第一,軍事題材電影一直是處於中國電影中的主流地位,軍事題材電影中出現的突破可能會比其他電影的變化具有更深遠的意義。因此本文以「戰狼2」為研究對象,先探討電影中的故事、人物、情節,然後探討在敘事架構中塑造了哪些國家形象和社會文化。\n本研究首先採用Chatman的敘事理論進行電影敘事分析,探討國家形象在中國軍事題材中是如何呈現的;然後利用內容分析法對電影中的國家形象進行內容分析,探討呈現了哪些國家形象,最後進行電影影評分析,探討用電影作為傳播媒體的這些國家形象是如何被國內外媒體影評看待。\n研究結果發現, 「戰狼2」中的主角有鮮明的敘事立場,結尾處的非人格敘事則是將國家的力量與強大放置於本國國土以外的海外地區,量化統計呈現電影中最主要展現的國家形象是友好的國民形象以及自強不息的文化形象。影評的分析中發現在「戰狼2」中最大的爭議是對於「愛國」的定義,中方媒體認為愛國主義是自發性的、正面、值得宣揚的事情,但西方媒體眼中的這種愛國是沙文主義。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract\nThe significantly growth of China`s economy has undoubtedly been paid comprehensive attention by international community in recent years. However, some scholars and research have argued that the acceptance of China`s rise has been plagued by poor national image and weak ‘soft power’. In order to shape an ideal and highly politicized image, the majority of the countries in the world tend to utilize the mass media to shape their international images. With respect to the construction of image building, no one can gainsay that the influence of the film is forced to be reckoned with. Moreover, the film has always played a crucial role in building the public image of a country.\nIn 2017, the military-themed movie "Wolf Warrior 2" stood out in China and opened in the No.1 spot at the mainland China’s box office. Given the backdrop that military movies or series have always been a mainstream in China, the breakthrough in military-themed movies could cast a far profounder significance to movies in other subjects. In light of the above, this study chose "Wolf Warrior 2" as the research objective. The study was conducted to explore the national images and social culture shaped in the narrative structure through the analysis of plot and characters in the film.\nThis study first uses Chatman`s narrative theory to analyze the narrative of the film to explore how the national image is presented in China’s military movies. Then, the study conduct content analysis method to analyze the national images in the film. At last, the author analyzed the film’s reviews to examine the perspectives of domestic and international media.\nThe study found that the protagonist in “Wolf Warrior 2" has a distinct narrative stance as the film adopt a non-personal narrative at the coda to showcase the strength of his country in overseas areas rather than the country`s territory. Quantitative statistics results support that the national image presented in the film is friendly and unyielding. The analysis of the film review found that the most controversial issue in "War Wolf 2" is the definition of "patriotism". The Chinese media believe that patriotism is a spontaneous, positive, and worthy propaganda. Rather, media in Western countries tend to consider this kind of patriotism as a “Chauvinistic nationalism”.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目錄\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與目的 1\n第二節 問題意識 3\n第三節 研究目的 5\n第二章 文獻探討 7\n第一節 國家形象 7\n第二節 國家形象與媒體 10\n第三節 中國的國家形象 12\n第四節 宣傳理論與中國的宣傳 16\n第五節 中國當代軍事題材電影與敘事 20\n第六節 研究問題 30\n第三章 研究方法與分析架構 32\n第一節 分析架構 32\n第二節 研究對象 32\n第三節 電影背景 34\n第四節 分析步驟 35\n第四章 電影文本解讀與資料分析 47\n第一節 故事發展 47\n第二節 故事分析 48\n第三節 敘事分析 57\n第四節 敘事理論分析小結 63\n第五節 內容分析 65\n第六節 內容分析小結 67\n第七節 影評的文本分析 69\n第八節 影評分析小結 75\n第五章 研究結論與建議 80\n第一節 重要研究發現 80\n第二節 討論與實務建議 85\n第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 90\n參考文獻 92\n附錄 104\n附錄一、西方影評 104\n附錄二、中方影評 124\n附錄三、內容分析編碼及說明 131zh_TW
dc.format.extent1607381 bytes-
dc.subjectNational imageen_US
dc.subjectMilitary filmen_US
dc.subjectNarrative analysisen_US
dc.subjectWolf Warrior 2en_US
dc.titleThe national image in Chinese contemporary military film: "War Wolf 2" as an exampleen_US
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