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dc.contributor.authorLiu, Szu-Yuen_US
dc.creatorLiu, Szu-Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究擷取台灣在1998~2018期間,來自國內外17個手機品牌,共計272支廣告,以廣告訴求、廣告內容與型式、品牌來源國及廣告符碼等研究構面,輔以時間歷程、消費市場變化,社會環境脈絡與相關文獻加以解析;研究發現台灣手機廣告表現與符碼操作,深受該時代的社會文化變遷與發展的影響,總結研究結果依據手機技術發展四個重要時代分述如下:研究結果發現:\n\n一、2G起飛期(1998~2002年) : 運用優勢意識與感官符號,觸發情感投射及共鳴\n手機在該時期尚屬高價位之科技產品,以高收入或商務族群為目標族群,一般消費者涉入度低,消費決策多採周邊路徑的思考模式:故廣告表現以「情感價值」的感性訴求為主(如:時尚、品味、尊榮等)。\n\n二、2G興盛暨3G起飛期(2003~2008年):科技理性訴求,強化3G通訊技術的認知\n電信服務由2G進展至3G數據傳輸,提供豐富精彩的多媒體內容,也是智慧型手機的「起飛階段」,但卻面臨消費者「手機轉換」的門檻,因而廣宣任務轉以「功能價值」的理性訴求,說服消費者理解智慧型手機的功能與價值,以提升換機之意願。\n\n三、3G興盛暨4G起飛期(2009~2014年):彰顯獨家功能或應用,擴大市場區隔3G\n智慧型手機市場在此階段已進展至成熟期,處於技術同質性之競逐,已屆比較「商品特點」的戰國時代。強化「產品特色與亮點服務」為廣告訴求主軸,手機廠商無不傾其全力彰顯自家手機之獨特功能或專利技術,並運用各式廣告創意手法來展演自家殺手級功能或應用,以作有效之市場區隔。\n\n四、4G興盛期(2015~2018年):延伸創新產品之「情境使用價值」\n智慧型手機在該階段已屆高滲透率階段,市場高度飽和又產品差異性極低,因而促使廣告訴求只能持續不斷凸顯加強化獨特功能或專利技術。由於手機在現今社會中所扮演的多重角色,以及對於各式消費者有著功能各異的需求與存在價值,廣宣主題趨向以「自由/享樂」的生活型態符碼。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe goal of this research is to analyze the influence and relevance of social change as well as how the country of origin effects advertising performance and imagery symbols using the content analysis method. The results were obtained by analyzing advertisement appeal, type of advertisement, advertisement content, the brand’s country of origin, and image construction-advertisement symbols, which was supplemented by the analysis of historical time frames, social environments and related literatures. A sample size of 272 advertisements were taken from mobile phone advertisements in Taiwan from 17 different brands ranging within the period of 1998 to 2018 (from the start of 2G to the booming of 4G).\n\nFindings:\n\n1.Advertisement Appeal: From "Emotional Value" to "Functional Value" to "Situational Value"\nDuring the 2G take-off period, mobile phones were high-priced technology products. Consumers were unfamiliar with the products and advertisements had more “Emotional Value” appeals (such as fashion, taste, honor, etc.); when 3G smart phones entered the market, advertisements had changed to promoting “Functional Value.” In the prosperous period of 4G, advertisements evolved to a “Situational Value” level, which dug deep into the unmet needs of consumers to connect them to additional functions and catered to the improvement of lifestyle.\n\n2.Advertisement Type and Content: "Personal Roles" to "Group Interactions" "Visual Impressions" to "Commodity Features"\nIn the early days of advertising, the product features and functions were promoted to make the consumer more outstanding and tasteful. Later, group activities were used to highlight the mobile phones to create interpersonal relationships. During the 2G introduction period, a lot of emotional materials were used to arouse the consumer’s positive feelings, such as using “foreign symbols” to convey internationalization, exotic fashions and foreign technologies. As time progressed with the introduction of 3G smart phones, advertisements began to focus on communicating knowledge and understanding of the products.\n\n3.Advertising Performance and Advertising Symbols: "Personality and Style" to "Functional Application"\nDuring the 2G introduction period most of the advertisements uses awareness and sensory symbols to trigger an emotional response with consumers. After the 3G growth period and the 4G introduction period, the advertising symbolisms were mainly focused on the informational rationality of “Functional Application,” supplemented by “Situational Presentation,” which promoted taking actions to adopt technological innovations in order to create a more convenient and leisure lifestyle. At the same time, the technological rationality concept of “Functional Application” created a sense of identity recognition and status for the consumer.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節、研究動機 1\n第二節、臺灣行動通訊之發展 5\n第三節、研究目的與架構 10\n\n第二章 文獻探討 12\n第一節、廣告與社會文化變遷 12\n第二節、產品來源國效應 15\n第三節、廣告表現 16\n第四節、廣告符碼 31\n第五節、全球化VS.在地化現 34\n\n第三章 研究方法 35\n第一節、研究方法概述 35\n第二節、研究設計與操作 36\n\n第四章 研究結果與發現 51\n第一節、手機廣告20年之演變 51\n第二節、2G起飛期手機廣告與社會變遷 86\n第三節、3G起飛期手機廣告與社會變遷 93\n第四節、4G起飛期手機廣告與社會變遷 98\n第五節、4G興盛期手機廣告與社會變遷 102\n\n第五章 結論與建議 107\n第一節、結論 107\n第二節、建議 111\n\n參考文獻 113\n附錄一 1998~2018年台灣地區行動電話廣告清單 120\n附錄二 1990~2010台灣社會文化、政治經貿、科技發展大事紀 127zh_TW
dc.format.extent6145879 bytes-
dc.subjectSocial changeen_US
dc.subjectAdvertising symbolen_US
dc.subjectCountry of originen_US
dc.subjectContent analysisen_US
dc.title手機廣告內容表現與台灣社會變遷 : 1998~2018zh_TW
dc.titleMobile Advertisements and Social Change in Taiwan : 1998-2018en_US
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