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題名: 馬修 • 路易士小說《僧侶》中的門
The Door in Matthew Lewis’s The Monk
作者: 易宣妏
Yi, Hsuan-Wen
貢獻者: 吳易道
Wu, Yih-Dau
Yi, Hsuan-Wen
關鍵詞: 馬修 • 路易士

Matthew Lewis
The Monk
opening and closing doors
gender interactions
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 7-八月-2019
摘要: 門是一個日常生活中屢見不鮮的物品,人們常將它的存在視為理所當然,無需特別重視。這也許正是為什麼,雖然馬修•路易士的志異小說《僧侶》中有許許多多對門的描述,但幾乎沒有志異小說學者仔細地評論這些描述,並解釋門在此小說中所扮演的角色。本論文希冀能填補此空白。\n\n本論文第一章探討門、界線與控制間的關係。援引小說中的家門與教堂的門作例子,本章亦分析善意保護與嚴苛控制間的對話。馬克•麥道夫指出志異小說當中裡外空間的對立。本論文第二章試圖修正此二元對立的觀點。藉由小說中對開門與關門的描述,我們可以窺見路易士如何模糊裡與外的界線。在《僧侶》中,門是開與關,出與入的選擇所聚焦的地方。第三章分析路易士如何透過這些備具爭議性的選擇來探究兩性互動與自主的議題。
A door is a common object in daily life, so much so that its significance is not immediately obvious to us. This probably explains why, as far as I know, no scholars of Gothic fiction have ever scrutinised the role doors play in Matthew Lewis’s The Monk, even though this novel obsessively draws readers’ attention to them. This dissertation seeks to rectify this critical oversight and to explain why we need to pay attention to doors in The Monk.\n\nThe first chapter of this dissertation explores the issues of boundaries and control that the existence of a door necessarily brings about. I use the examples of Elvira’s door and the door of the church of Capuchins to show how protection can shade into tyranny. Chapter two tries to revise Mark Madoff’s view that spaces in Gothic novels tend to fall into two distinct categories: the inside and the outside. Examining the acts of opening and closing doors in The Monk, I show how the strict spatial dichotomy that Madoff proposes does not stand in Lewis’s text. Chapter three asks what happens when the decisions to open/close and to leave/enter a door become controversial. I argue that in The Monk, these controversial decisions are often complicated further by the power struggle between men and women. The drama of gender dynamics and self-determination depend largely on doors.
參考文獻: Bauer, Gero. Houses, Secrets, and the Closet: Locating Masculinities from the Gothic Novel to Henry James. Transcript Verlag, 2016.\n\nBotting, Fred. Gothic. Routledge, 1996.\n\nBlakemore, Steven. “Matthew Lewis’s Black Mass: Sexual, Religious Inversion in The Monk.” Studies in the Novel 30.4 (1998): 521-39.\n\nClemens, Valdine. The Return of the Repressed: Gothic Horror from The Castle of Otranto to Alien. SUNY Press, 1999.\n\nCrawford, Joseph. Gothic Fiction and the Invention of Terrorism: The Politics and Aesthetics of Fear in the Age of the Reign of Terror. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013.\n\nDavison, Carol Margaret. Gothic Literature 1764-1824. University of Wales Press, 2009.\n\nDe Quincey, Thomas. “On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth.” The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey. Ed. David Masson. Vol. 10. Adam and Charles Black, 1890. 389-394.\n\nDeLamotte, Eugenia C. Perils of the Night: A Feminist Study of Nineteenth-Century Gothic. Oxford University Press, 1990.\n\nDrury, Joseph. “Twilight of the Virgin Idols: Iconoclash in The Monk.”The Eighteenth Century, vol. 57, no. 2, 2016, pp. 217. ProQuest,\n\nEllis, Kate Ferguson. The Contested Castle: Gothic Novels and the Subversion of Domestic Ideology. University of Illinois Press, 1989.\n\nGraham, Kenneth W., ed. Gothic Fictions: Prohibition/Transgression. AMS Press, 1989.\nHaggerty, George E. Queer Gothic. University of Illinois Press, 2006.\n\nHogle, Jerrold E., ed.. The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction. Cambridge University Press, 2002.\n\nHolland, Norman N., and Leona F. Sherman. “Gothic Possibilities.” New Literary History, vol. 8, no. 2, 1977, pp. 279–294. JSTOR,\n\nJones, Wendy. “Stories of Desire in The Monk.” ELH, vol. 57, no. 1, 1990, pp. 129–150. JSTOR,\n\nLewis, Matthew. The Monk. 1796. Ed. Howard Anderson. Intro. Emma McEvoy. Oxford University Press, 1995.\n\nMacDonald, D. L.. Monk Lewis: A Critical Biography. University of Toronto Press, 2000.\n\nMadoff, Mark S. “Inside, Outside, and the Gothic Locked-Room Mystery.” Gothic Fictions: Prohibition/Transgression (1989): 49-62.\n\nPaulson, Ronald. “Gothic Fiction and the French Revolution.” ELH, vol. 48, no. 3, 1981, pp. 532–554. JSTOR,\n\nPeck, Louis F.. A Life of Matthew G. Lewis. Harvard University Press, 1961.\n\nPunter, David. The Literature of Terror: A History of Gothic Fictions from 1765 to the Present Day. Longman Publishing Group, 1980.\n\nSedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. The Coherence of Gothic Conventions. Methuen, 1986.\n\nSedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. "The Character in the Veil: Imagery of the Surface in the Gothic Novel." PMLA 96.2 (1981): 255-270.\n\nVan Ghent, Dorothy. “The Window Figure and the Two-Children Figure in Wuthering Heights.” Nineteenth-Century Fiction, vol. 7, no. 3, 1952, pp. 189–197. JSTOR,\n\nVerhoeven, W. M. “Opening the Text: The Locked-Trunk Motif in Late Eighteenth-Century British and American Gothic Fiction.” Exhibited by Candlelight: Sources and Developments in the Gothic Tradition (1995): 205-220.\n\nWatkins, Daniel P. “Social Hierarchy in Matthew Lewis’s The Monk.” Studies in the Novel 18 (1986): 115-124.\n\nWright, Angela. Gothic Fiction: A Reader’s Guide to Essential Criticism. Macmillan International Higher Education, 2007.
描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis

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