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題名: 從文學再思香港意識的根源與發展:七十至九十年代的香港心態
Rethinking the roots and development of Hong Kong consciousness through literature: Hong Kong mentality in the 70s to 90s
作者: 周寶琳
Chow, Po-Lam
貢獻者: 曾士榮
Chow, Po-Lam
關鍵詞: 香港意識
Hong Kong consciousness
Hong Kong mentality
Hong Kong Literature
1997 handover
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 7-Aug-2019
摘要: 本論文籍著文學文本去探討香港意識根源與發展,討論的時期集中在七十到九十年代,從殖民時期到回歸。香港雖是英國殖民地,可是香港人多年來仍保持華人的文化習俗。同時,中國移民或移民後代雖佔香港人口大多數,可是經歷多年的殖民,香港在歷史、文化、政治發展上不同於中國,香港人也有了自己的共同體。基於香港人沒有可見的外在特徵來辨別自己與其他華人,心態就成了重要的特徵,例如香港人的高效、經濟主導、功利主義、精英主義、高彈性善變通等特徵。本論文討論香港心態在社會中如何發揮作用,如何有助建立香港意識。
This dissertation explores the origin and development of Hong Kong consciousness from 70s to 90s, covering the colonial period to the handover, through relevant literature texts. Hong Kong was a British colony but the Chinese culture and customs have been kept for all these years. Meanwhile, despite Chinese migrants and their descendants being the majority of Hong Kong’s population, Hong Kong’s development on history, culture and politics have been different from those of China, which also leads to the formation of Hong Kong community. As there is no apparent feature for the Hong Kong people to identify themselves from other Chinese, mentality such as being highly efficient, economy-oriented, utilitarianist, elitist, flexible and adaptable becomes the main feature. This dissertation discusses how the Hong Kong mentality works in society in relation to building up the Hong Kong consciousness.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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