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dc.contributor.advisorWang, Wen-Chiehen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Tien-Lien_US
dc.creatorLin, Tien-Lien_US
dc.description.abstractMedical malpractices are the bitterest ordeals for doctors. As times change, the awareness of patients’ rights had gradually risen, and the medical environment has undergone unprecedented changes. In this paper, the author analyzed cases of medical disputes that he himself has experienced as a colorectoanal surgeon, and integrated,relevant legal issues from the signing of medical consent, issuing the certificate of diagnosis and the operations of medical assessment, to the prevention and compensation mechanism of medical malpractices at the institutional level as well as non-litigation mediation for an in-depth discussion. The article is valued for its authenticity and genuineness and aims to propose viable solutions.\nThe conclusion of this study is that the solutions to medical disputes should start with the prevention of the cause of medical malpractice claim, and the improvement of patient safety system based on exemption. Harmonious doctor-patient relationship, good communication skills, elaboration of obligations, encouragement to seek a second opinion, cross-disciplinary teamwork, health care as well as shared decision making can all help to prevent disputes from arising. Once a controversy turns into disputes, the professional medical malpractice care team should be established, and it should make good use of non-litigation mediation mechanism with pre-mediation “preliminary appraisal” procedure. There should be also the timely and proper intervention of social assistance and social insurance system. Medical professional liability insurance and mutual assistance should also intervene appropriately to stop the situation from further deteriorating. In terms of the legal system, the “medical malpractice prevention and dispute resolution act” with the three principles of “immediate care for medical malpractice”, “preliminary mediation of medical dispute” and “prevention and removal of errors for quality improvement” should be adhered. To define clearly the medical malpractice items, the “regulations on the relief of colonoscopy medical malpractice” should be established. It should be guaranteed by legislation that hospitals should take out an insurance policy for medical professional liability insurance and compulsory liability insurance for medical personnel.\nFor the particularity of medical malpractices, courts are not the best place for dialogue between doctors and patients. Entering the litigation process is just falling into another quagmire, and is simply an extension of the harm to each other. It is best to let doctors fight diseases in the hospital instead of wasting time in court. Allowing the patient to receive the most complete treatment in the hospital without rushing to the court to reopen the wounds is the best outcome.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目 錄\n誌謝 iv\n中文摘要 vi\n英文摘要 vii\n目錄 ix\n圖目錄 xi\n表目錄 xii\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節、研究背景 1\n第二節、研究動機 2\n第三節、研究目的 4\n第四節、研究方法 5\n第五節、論文架構 5\n第二章 醫界面對醫療糾紛的現況與困境 7\n第一節、醫療行為的性質 7\n第二節、醫界與病家面對醫療糾紛的攻防 7\n第三節、醫療風險與醫療過失區辨的困境 11\n第四節、病人自主權與醫療裁量權的消長 16\n第三章 大腸直腸肛門科醫療範疇 21\n第一節、大腸直腸肛門科常見疾患 21\n第二節、無痛內視鏡檢查及手術 41\n第三節、大腸直腸肛門科特殊醫療風險 43\n第四章 醫療糾紛案例研析 45\n第一節、足部生蛆死亡案 45\n第二節、鏡檢後大腸發炎剖腹探查案 48\n第三節、鏡檢時大腸穿孔剖腹修補案 52\n第四節、鏡檢後腹內大出血案 55\n第五節、喝鹽酸自殺胃腐蝕破裂被質疑延誤病情案 58\n第六節、被誣陷詐領保險金案 61\n第五章 醫療糾紛案例相關法律議題詳析 65\n第一節、業務過失致死,以刑逼民 65\n第二節、醫療事故預防及爭議處理的法制化 67\n第三節、醫療糾紛非訴訟調處機制 72\n第四節、醫療鑑定 75\n第五節、醫療事故補償制度 77\n第六節、醫糾賠償與醫療業務責任險 80\n第七節、醫療行為之同意書簽署 84\n第八節、診斷證明書的開立與保險爭議 90\n第九節、網路霸凌 97\n第六章 醫療糾紛解決對策 101\n第一節、完善的病人安全制度 101\n第二節、和諧的醫病關係與良好的溝通技巧 103\n第三節、善盡說明義務及鼓勵尋求第二意見 104\n第四節、跨領域團隊合作照護及醫病共享決策 105\n第五節、專業的醫療事故關懷處理團隊 107\n第六節、善用醫療糾紛非訴訟調處機制 110\n第七節、社會救助及社會保險制度的適時介入 112\n第八節、醫療專業責任保險與互助會適度移轉風險 119\n第九節、審慎的法律制度修訂 123\n第七章 結論 125\n參考文獻 127zh_TW
dc.format.extent2201597 bytes-
dc.subjectMedical disputeen_US
dc.subjectMedical malpracticeen_US
dc.subjectColorectal Surgery Divisionen_US
dc.title醫療法律糾紛之解決途徑研析 - 以大腸直腸肛門科為核心zh_TW
dc.titleCritical analysis of the solutions to medical malpractice claims – from a colorectoanal surgeon`s point of viewen_US
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