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dc.contributor.authorHuang, Shin-Haoen_US
dc.creatorHuang, Shin-Haoen_US
dc.description.abstract  長久以來,消防隊給外界的感覺就是一個重視階級觀念與講求服從的單位。消防人員從進入學校開始,就不斷的被灌輸倫理關係與服從性,由於消防工作的特殊性,領導者一向以團隊為優先考量,一直凌駕於個人意見之上。因此,對於分隊長的領導與管理而言,與隊員們的溝通情形就顯得格外重要了。本研究探討對象為新北市政府消防局外勤分隊所屬的基層隊員,經由文獻調查回顧,與問卷調查後的發現,將兩者相互驗證,從中探討是否有任何關連性,並就當前消防隊內部組織溝通所面臨的相關問題,進行歸納整理與分析,提供分隊長在領導與管理分隊時,針對現行的消防體制之中,可能造成雙方不易建立良好溝通的原因,進行適度的了解,並提出改善建議與看法。\n  研究者過去擔任基層隊員時,也曾經以隊員的角度與分隊長進行溝通與互動,如今在擔任分隊長以後,由於角色與立場的轉換,才深深的體會到兩者存在很大的差異。本研究的問卷調查數量共計250份,經研究調查發現,仍然有高達25.5%的受測者在工作議題上,不會主動表達意見,顯示組織內部存在一定的溝通問題,另外,受測對象年齡層越低者,願意與分隊長直接溝通的比率越低,因此該年齡層的隊員不論在認知行為或觀念上,值得多加探究與關注。現階段國內尚無消防工會組織,經研究調查發現,受測者在「是否籌組消防工會」的議題上,獲得了97.6%極高的共識,有關該議題的發展趨勢,各界應持續的重視與參考。\n  由於消防工作的特殊,分隊長與隊員之間的「服從性、倫理關係及階級觀念」等,有其存在的必要性,但也容易形成彼此的隔閡與距離感,因此強化組織內部溝通的成效相當重要,分隊長應敞開心胸在觀念上與時俱進,多關懷與尊重同仁的意見,並積極建立彼此信任關係,方能營造出良善的溝通環境。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFor a long time, fire brigades have given the outside world an impression of placing emphasis on class and obedience. Since entering the firefighting academy, firefighters have been constantly instilled with the notion of ethics and obedience. Due to the nature of this profession, leaders have always prioritized their teams over their own opinions. As a result, communication with team members has shown to be particularly important to the captain’s leadership and the management of the team.This study is aimed at the team members of each field team under the New Taipei City Government Fire Department. This study’s methodology includes mutually verifying the findings from our literature review and surveys, investigating whether there is any correlation between them and conducting summaries and analyses of current issues relating to communication internal to the organization. This provides a platform to understand, propose views and suggest improvements on possible causes hindering positive communication between higher management and the team members.\nWhen I used to assume the position as grassroots unit members, I have tried to initiate communication and interaction with the team leader as a member of the team. Nowadays, after assuming the position of a team leader, due to the transformation of between the two positions, I was able to realize how big of a difference these two roles had between each other. The number of surveys collected in this research totals at 250. Based on this research, there are still up to 25.5% of the subjects who do not actively express their opinions on the work-related issues, indicating that there are certain communication issues within the organization. I have also discovered that younger subjects are less willing to communicate openly with their team leader. Therefore, younger subjects of this team deserve more attention on developing their cognitive behavior or concept professionally. At present, there are no firefighting labor union organizations in Taiwan and according to the research and investigation, there is a high consensus of 97.6% of voters agreeing to establishing a firefighting union”, thus, the government should focus more on the importance of establishing firefighting labor union organization.\nDue to the special nature of firefighting, team leaders have to build up a mandatory "obedience, ethical relationship and class concept" upon the team members. As a result, team members tend to treat the team leaders with more respect and discipline and conceal their true personality, which could potentially form a gap between the two parties. Therefore, strengthening the effectiveness of internal communication is very important, which in turn the team leader should try to be more patient when communicating with team members and respect their opinions if they are willing to provide them. Treating one another with respect is the key to forming a mutually trusted relationship. Consequently, it can improve the member’s motivation to work within the organization and create a sense of trust between the team leader and the members.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與目的 1\n第二節 研究方法 2\n第三節 研究範圍 3\n第四節 研究流程與章節安排 4\n第二章 組織溝通有關文獻探討 6\n第一節 組織溝通的類型及方法 7\n第二節 影響組織溝通的因素 11\n第三節 組織溝通不良的影響 14\n第四節 小結 16\n第三章 消防單位的組織內部溝通概況與分析 17\n第一節 消防單位組織架構關係 17\n第二節 消防單位內部溝通的現況與問題 20\n第三節 消防單位組織溝通有關分析 21\n第四節 小結 23\n第四章 問卷調查發現與分析 24\n第一節 問卷設計與調查對象 24\n第二節 調查發現與分析 26\n第三節 小結 73\n第五章 結論與建議 75\n第一節 結論 75\n第二節 建議 76\n參考文獻 79\n附錄一 平時考核紀錄表 82\n附錄二 訪談紀錄表 84\n附錄三 研究問卷 85zh_TW
dc.format.extent1873916 bytes-
dc.subjectConcept of Classen_US
dc.subjectTeam Captainen_US
dc.subjectOrganizational Communicationen_US
dc.subjectFire Departmenten_US
dc.title消防隊組織內部溝通機制之探討與因應- 以新北市政府消防局為例zh_TW
dc.titleA Study on the Mechanism of Intra-organizational Communication in Fire Brigades and Relevant Countermeasures: A Case on the Fire Department of New Taipei City Governmenten_US
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