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dc.contributor.advisorCheng, Tung-Liaoen_US
dc.contributor.authorLoh, Teck-Huaten_US
dc.creatorLoh, Teck-Huaten_US
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, Taiwan has faced a problem of population shortage in terms of population structure, and the population loss in the rural areas is more obvious. The Natural Primary School was locate in the middle of Taiwan. In 2014, there were only 24 students remaining, and they were already on the verge of being laid off. For the sustainable development of the school, Natural primary school joined the school-type experimental education program and transformed into a mixed-age education system school. The school teacher who received traditional education training are faced with various challenges in the process of transformation. How to transform existing teaching models and personal views through their own experience, to adapt to the new teaching environment, so that mixed-age education can be in the class. The effectiveness of this is the purpose of this study.\n\nThis research is based on a qualitative research method, research object who has undergone a transition from a traditional education system to a mixed-age education system in public schools. Researchers hope to study the history of the transformation of the teacher, understand the life experience behind it, and how to transform the past experience into the driving force for the transformation of education under the mixed-age education system. Through interviews and on-site observations, the story of the growth of the research object, the teaching process before and after the transformation, and the personal transformation process are described. Then analyze and discuss the conversion factors in the story and make research conclusions. The research conclusions include that the teaching process of the research object under the mixed age education system is fluid. From the transition from school to mixed age education system to mixed age, it can be divided into three stages, namely, buffer preparation period and chaotic period. And adapt to the bright period; the dilemma encountered under the mixed age education system is the change of students and the need to deal with peer relationships (the same teacher and class cooperation tutor); the transformation process under the mixed age education system can be divided into four stages They are old ideas, conversion factors (including family factors, teaching experiences, and transformation opportunities), and perspective transformations (including starting from her own experiences, facing external criticism and dissatisfaction, and practicing the teaching methods, and re-adapt to the new role of the classroom), and finally reach a new personal perspective (implementing new teaching methods and incorporating new ideas into the teaching site). Finally, I also give advice to teachers who want to take part into mixed-age education, school administration and the future research.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景 1\n第二節 研究動機 2\n第三節 研究目的 3\n第四節 研究問題 4\n第五節 名詞釋義 4\n第二章 文獻探討 7\n第一節 臺灣實驗教育暨混齡教學模式探討 7\n第二節 教師轉化學習歷程 29\n第三節 小結 45\n第三章 研究設計與實施 47\n第一節 研究方法與步驟 47\n第二節 研究場域 51\n第三節 研究對象 53\n第四節 資料蒐集、過程與分析 54\n第五節 研究品質 59\n第六節 研究倫理 60\n第四章 研究對象的故事 63\n第一節 成長的故事 63\n第二節 楊老師在國小實施混齡教育體制前的教學模式 76\n第三節 楊老師在國小實施混齡教育體制下的教學模式 91\n第四節 楊老師在混齡教育體制下的個人轉化 110\n第五章 綜合分析與討論 125\n第一節 楊老師在混齡教育體制下的教學歷程 126\n第二節 楊老師在混齡教育體制下的轉化歷程 140\n第三節 楊老師在混齡教育體制下遇到的困境 158\n第六章 研究結論與建議 163\n第一節 研究結論 163\n第二節 研究建議 167\n參考文獻 171\n中文文獻 171\n外文文獻 175\n附件 179\n附件一 訪談大綱 179\n附件二 訪談同意書 181\n附件三 低年級學習單 182\n附件四 逐字稿部分內容 184\n附件五 逐字稿分類與便利貼形式 187zh_TW
dc.format.extent6149146 bytes-
dc.subjectMixed-age educationen_US
dc.subjectTransformative learning processen_US
dc.subjectTeaching methoden_US
dc.titleA Study on Transformative Learning Process of a Teacher in a Primary School of Mixed-age Educationen_US
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