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題名: 語言政策對民族認同的影響:以南斯拉夫塞爾維亞-克羅埃西亞語標準化進程為例
The Impact of Language Policy to The National Identity: A Case Study of Standardization of Serbo-Croatian
作者: 莊慧瑾
Chuang, Hui-Chin
貢獻者: 林蒔慧
Lin, Shih-Hui
Chuang, Hui-Chin
關鍵詞: 語言政策
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 5-九月-2019
摘要: 本論文的研究對象為二十世紀第二南斯拉夫的語言政策對民族認同的影響,此外,並在文中探討塞爾維亞-克羅埃西亞語的分裂以及和國家分裂的關係。\n本文分為五個章節,第一個章節為緒論,說明論文架構及問題意識;第二章為理論基礎,探討民族認同與語言的關係還有語言政策和語言規劃的原則和架構;第三章為南斯拉夫的歷史背景探討;第四章則是南斯拉夫的語言政策、語言規劃和其對民族認同的影響;最後一章為結論。本文發現塞爾維亞—克羅埃西亞語的分裂可以說是歷史發展的結果,還有與其說是語言政策對民族認同的影響,不如說是相反,是看民族認同如何影響語言政策。\n塞爾維亞-克羅埃西亞語是在十八、十九世紀的民族主義浪潮中出現的語言,當時塞爾維亞人和克羅埃西亞人開始追尋自己的民族主體,語言成了這股浪潮下的產物,後來更是建立起南斯拉夫的關鍵之一。水能載舟、亦能覆舟。語言是融合塞爾維亞人和克羅埃西亞人,讓他們能成為一個政體的關鍵,但在二十世紀後期卻也是讓他們分裂的關鍵之一。\n本文以語言分裂和民族認同為題,探討南斯拉夫的分裂。
The thesis aims to, on the one hand, figure out how language policies have influenced national identity in Yugoslavia, and investigate the collapse of the Serbo-Croatian language.\nThe Serbo-Croatian language was a cultural invention of nationalism during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Under the influence of romanticism, south Slavic scholars began to trace back who they were and tried to reconstruct their identity and to build their nation. Sharing the same spirit, Serbian linguist Vuk Karadžić and Croatian linguist Ljudevit Gaj reformed both Serbian and Croatian languages, as an approach to demonstrate their independent national identity to other Europeans. In 1850, the term “Serbo-Croatian” was coined and had existed until the end of the twentieth century. However, the term “Serbo-Croatian” was eventually collapsed and divided into “Serbian,” “Croatian,” “Bosnian,” and “Montenegrin.” The names of these languages also embody their “state-nations.”\nThe thesis reaches a conclusion that language is a key to unite people; however, when the civil war broke out in 1990s, the name of this unified “language” had nonetheless become a critical site of struggles. This particular case study demonstrates how nationalism and national identities have affected language policies, instead of the other way around. It is important to emphasize that while a nation endeavors to create its “language,” such a linguistic formation would simultaneously construct its creator.\nThe thesis is to provide a case study of Yugoslavia, we can see how nationalism affects language policy, but at the same time how language policy makes impact on national identity. I hope this paper can bring some insights for Taiwan`s current language policy and language planning.
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