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dc.contributor.advisorTsai, Yeanen_US
dc.contributor.authorLu, Chien-Yuen_US
dc.creatorLu, Chien-Yuen_US
dc.description.abstractMedical drama is an innovative gender on television series. Audience are able to learn health and medical knowledge imperceptibly in the sense of entertainment, which is essential of television shows. The medical dramas of the United States, Japan and South Korea have been well presented by winning multiple awards, and the ratings have continued to break through new heights. In contrast, the medical dramas in Taiwan have failed to produce excellent works due to difficulties in scripting, production, and the lack of professional actors. It is necessary to substantiate researches to establish appropriate design principles for writing medical drama scripts, regardless of viewpoints from industrial development or from the health communication perceptive.\nThe case study of exploring the medical drama "Never Give Up 2" is based on Vogler`s theory of scriptwriting. By analyzing the variants or the improvements of the prototype roles and by deconstructing the plots in "Never Give Up 2", the researcher also investigates medical drama scriptwriters through in-depth interviews. The research has identified the archetype characteristics and the propelling storyline of "Never Give Up 2". For example, the plot of "Never Give Up 2" not only focus on the patients or the diseases, but also death-calling by physician themselves. The shadowing and predicament of the heroism primarily denotes the inner defects of the physicians. People’s illness stories are enriched with humane care and self-reflection as the most inspiring parts in medical dramas.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論\n第一節 醫療劇現況與研究緣起 1\n第二節 研究背景 8\n第三節 研究目的 12\n第四節 章節規劃 13\n第二章 文獻回顧\n第一節 醫療劇與觀眾 15\n第二節 醫療劇與社會 20\n第三節 醫療劇的類型與框架 23\n第四節 醫療知識的再現 27\n第五節 電視劇的敘事模式 30\n第三章 研究方法\n第一節 研究問題與研究架構 42\n第二節 研究方法與步驟 44\n第四章 研究分析結果\n第一節 人物角色 50\n第二節 英雄旅程 59\n第三節 台灣醫療劇劇本編寫實務經驗 73\n第四節 其他研究發現 89\n第五章 結論與討論\n第一節 研究結論 93\n第二節 研究限制與建議 98\n參考文獻 99\n\n附錄\n附錄一. 固定角色描述登錄表 106\n附錄二. 《麻2》場次及段落說明 107\n附錄三.《麻2》主要角色原型登錄表 122\n附錄四.《麻2》英雄旅程登錄表 123\n \n表次\n\n表一. 美、日、韓醫療劇產量整理表 2\n表二. 固定角色描述登錄表範例 46\n表三. 第一集場次及段落說明登錄表範例 47\n表四. 蕭政勳與熊森在英雄原型中的故事效果 52\n表五.《麻2》劇中爆炸事件 61\n表六. 熊森的試煉事件列表 66\n表七. 深度訪談時程 73\n \n圖次\n\n圖一. 文創以故事為核心 12\n圖二.電視劇敘事理論建構 14\n圖三.醫護劇劇情公式 27\n圖四.Chatman敘事分析架構圖 33\n圖五.佛格勒剖析故事架構的英雄旅程 40\n圖六.研究架構與流程圖 44\n圖七.醫療劇編劇工作流程 85\n圖八.參考佛格勒英雄旅程剖析《麻2》的故事架構 95zh_TW
dc.format.extent2264739 bytes-
dc.subjectMedical dramaen_US
dc.subjectTV seriesen_US
dc.subjectHero`s journeyen_US
dc.titleTelling a Good Story for Medicine: The Construction of Narrative Mode of Medical Drama--ACase Study on “Never Give Up 2"en_US
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