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題名: 機能茶消費者行為研究
A Study on Consumer Behavior of Functional Teas / Health Food permit tea beverage
作者: 吳佳音
Wu, Chia-Yin
貢獻者: 洪順慶
Horng, Shun-Ching
Wu, Chia-Yin
關鍵詞: 消費者行為
consumer behavior
purchase motivation
perceived quality
product innovation
purchasing behavior
Functional Tea
Health Food permit tea beverage
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 5-Sep-2019
摘要: 隨著生活水準的提升及國人的健康意識抬頭,消費者對於健康飲食的重視,與日俱增,追求天然、吃得健康的生活型態受到消費者的重視。而機能性茶飲被證實能夠改善並調節人體機能,因此在飲料市場逐漸成長,其所帶來的龐大商機,吸引各家企業紛紛投資在機能性茶飲的研發與生產,在市場上形成高度競爭。\n本研究統整與修正過去學者們對於購買動機、知覺品質、產品創新以及購買行為之相關研究,協助業界了解目前台灣消費者的健康意識如何影響到消費者的知覺品質,以及透過分析消費者的消費習性,找出影響消費者購買行為的關鍵,提供企業了解消費者在選購機能性茶飲時會受到哪些因素影響實際購買行為,進而改善及制定相關行銷策略,俾利提高產品銷售以及利潤。\n本研究所採取的抽樣方法為「便利抽樣」,透過網路端進行資料的收集,除了採用line族群的推廣發送外,也在批踢踢的BBS各版放置連結,總計回收605份問卷,扣除41份無效樣本(包含漏答、邏輯不符與過去一年未曾飲用過機能茶者),有效樣本數為564份。本研究以次數分配探討目前消費者的機能茶購買飲用行為與認知態度,針對不同的人口統計資料與機能茶購買行為、機能茶認知量表進行卡方檢定,探討不同族群間的差異為何;最後,透過多元迴歸分析探討購買動機、知覺品質與產品創新對消費行為的影響如何。研究結果發現,知覺品質是最能影響消費行為的主要因素,其次則是購買動機。
With the improvement of the living standards and the rising awareness of people`s health, consumers` emphasis on healthy eating is increasing day by day. Consumers pay more attention to the life style of natural and healthy consumption. While functional teas have been proven to improve and regulate the body`s functions, the market share of the beverage market of functional tea is growing. The huge business opportunities have attracted companies to invest in the development and production of functional teas.\nThis study integrates and corrects previous research on purchase motivation, perceived quality, product innovation, and purchasing behavior to help companies in the industry understand how current Taiwanese consumers` health intentions affect consumers` perceived quality. This study also finds out the key factors of affecting consumers` purchasing behaviors by analyzing the consumption habits of consumers. It provides companies with an understanding of what influences consumers when they purchase functional teas, which improves and formulate relevant marketing strategies to increase product sales and profits.\nConvenience sampling was adopted in data collected through internet from LINE groups and Bulletin Board System (BBS). A total of 605 questionnaires were collected, and 41 of them were invalid were deleted (including missed answers, logical inconsistencies, and those who have not consumed functional teas in the past year). The number of valid samples was 564. This study investigated functional tea purchase behavior and cognitive attitudes from the current consumers by frequency distribution. We investigated the differences between different groups by conducting a chi-square check on different demographic data, functional tea purchase behavior, and functional tea cognition scale. Finally, multiple regression analysis was conducted to explore the impact of purchasing motivation, perceived quality and product innovation on consumer behavior. The study found that perceived quality is the most important factor of affecting consumer behavior, followed by purchase motivation.
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