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題名: 改寫法律的法意識──爭奪合法正當性意義的破壞銅像、潑漆行動
Rewriting the Law:Legal Consciousness and Contesting Legitimacy in the Case of Damaging Authoritarian Symbols
作者: 吳照聰
Wu, Chao-Tsung
貢獻者: 王曉丹
Wang, Hsiao-Tan
Wu, Chao-Tsung
關鍵詞: 法意識
Legal consciousness
Relational self
Second-order legal consciousness
Transitional justice
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 5-Sep-2019
摘要: 法律在人們的日常生活中扮演什麼角色?面對不正義與不公平,人們有時使用法律來主張權利,有時迴避法律,甚至人們有可能透過違反法律的方式來追求正義,即所謂的公民不服從運動。近年來台灣社會有發生一些公民不服從運動,例如318佔領立法院運動,而本文欲研究的是針對威權象徵進行破壞、潑漆的轉型正義行動。\n2017年年底台灣通過了促進轉型正義條例,然而台灣各地的轉型正義行動並未因促轉條例的通過而有所停止。為了瞭解轉型正義行動者違反法律的動機,本文透過法意識研究路徑對轉型正義行動者進行個案研究,探討轉型正義行動者的法意識有何內涵與特色。\n法意識受到自我認同的影響,本文從「關係自我」的視角探討轉型正義行動者的法意識,本文發現轉型正義行動者基於他們的歷史觀及自我認同,認為現行的法律體系不具合法正當性,他們也背負著反抗者的自我認同,認為自己有能力承擔抗爭的成本,就應該站出來挑戰不正義的體制。「自己人」的概念影響轉型正義行動者的法意識,他們並沒有想要分裂社會,相反地他們希望擴大「自己人」的範圍,團結住在同一塊土地上的人們一起對抗這個壓迫台灣人的體制。本文也探究轉型正義行動者的二階法意識,他們認為政府並沒有決心要落實轉型正義,對政府的失望與不信任使他們決定靠自己的力量來追求轉型正義。轉型正義行動者認為現行的法律體系不具正當性,認為法律體系壓迫異議者,維護著腐敗的體制,進一步地他們爭奪合法正當性的意義,試圖建構法符合自己人概念的法律權威,本文將此種法意識內涵稱為「改寫法律」的法意識。\n透過法意識研究,本文認為轉型正義行動者並非一般社會大眾所想像的,只是一群分裂社會、擾亂社會秩序的麻煩製造者,事實上他們背負著理想,希望台灣社會更團結,往更自由的道路前進。本文也發現法意識不僅和法律霸權、自我認同、法律動員相關,也和人們認為法律體系是否具備合法正當性有關,人們透過其日常生活建構對於法律合法正當性的詮釋,不同的人有不同的詮釋,彼此互相辯論協商,因此法律合法正當性意義的爭奪並非合法與非法的二元區分,而是一個光譜。
What is the role of the law in our daily life? When people confronting injustice, they sometimes claiming their rights by using the law, or they sometimes avoiding the law, or even they pursuing justice through breaking the law. In recent years, there are some civil disobedience movements happened in Taiwan. This paper seeks to study social movements that damaging authoritarian symbols.\nThe Act on Promoting Transitional Justice was passed by the Legislative Yuan in 2017. However, transitional justice activist didn’t stop damaging authoritarian symbols due to transitional justice legislation. This paper explores case studies of transitional justice movements by legal consciousness approach in order to investigate the motivation among the transitional justice activist.\nThis paper searches the legal consciousness of transitional justice activist through relational perspective. Transitional justice activist perceive the law as fundamentally illegitimate based on their historical view and identity. Transitional justice activist didn’t want to cleave society. On the contrary, they hope to gather people to resist the authority that oppress Taiwanese people. This paper also searches the second-order legal consciousness of transitional justice activist. They express their disappointment about the government’s determination of enforcing transitional justice. Transitional justice activist view the law as the protector and defender of a corrupt system, and they further contest the meaning of legitimacy, trying to build a new legal authority in keeping with their belonging. In conclusion, this paper proposes a new category of legal consciousness──Rewriting the Law.
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資料類型: thesis
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