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dc.contributor.advisorChen, Sheng-Chih<br>Liao, Chun-Fengen_US
dc.contributor.authorSu, Yu-Tingen_US
dc.creatorSu, Yu-Tingen_US
dc.description.abstractThe advantage of being a design freelancer is the flexibility of deciding when and where to work. This type of work attracts many people. With the rapid growth of gig economy, many people intake freelance jobs while having a full-time job to increase their income and experience. However, case design jobs require not only design professions, but other abilities such as project management, business contact, and communication efficiency are also important. Furthermore, while signing a contract to make sure his or her rights are protected, it is essential that he or she is able to deal with legal issues. The required abilities can be easy for full-time design freelancers, who make use of these abilities everyday. However, for full-time designers and design students, the abilities increase the threshold of intaking freelance jobs and may even contribute to an unsmooth working process. If conflicts and disputes appear between the contractor and the freelancer, it may lead to unpleasantness and loss for both sides.\n\nThis study analyzed 9 well-known freelancer platforms at home and abroad through case studies to understand their service process and features, usage and trading volume, mediation methods, case management, evaluation mechanism, charging system, etc., as well as the user flow of the contractors and freelancers. Simultaneously, a literature review is conducted based on service design, user experience, interface design, design project management and other related fields, which can be properly applied in the design of this study.\n\nBased on 3 aspects from the survey, including trust level, information accessibility and communication experience, a user research on contractors and freelancers was performed with 9 participants who have experiences with project contracting and intaking. User needs and pain points were analyzed from the in-depth interview, and a questionnaire was designed according to the interview results. The questionnaire was further distributed on the Internet to find out the number and distribution of the users based on these pain points. According to these results, the real target users who are in need of the freelance platform were defined.\n\nAfter analysing the result of qualitative interview and quantitative questionnaire, 7 design points were proposed to improve the trust level, information accessibility and communication experience. The study aims to design an optimized service flow that provides the contractors and freelancers a platform with a complete service from mediatinging to ending a case. The concept was visualized by the service blueprint and was transformed into a site map to establish an information architecture. The mobile application is seen as a carrier for the concept. The design process includes planning the task flow, drawing wireframes according to the task flow, arranging the interface components, pages, and texts. Finally, the visual elements of the interfaces were added in accordance with the trend of the current interface design.\n\nIn order to understand user satisfaction, interface usability and optimization sequence of the seven design points, a user test of the design prototype was performed with 5 participants. The think out loud method was adopted during the process, while a short interview and a post-test-questionnaire were conducted afterwards.\n\nTo sum up, the results of this study are as follows:\n (1)Through the user need research, it was observed that contractors and freelancers have problems with establishing mutual trust, understanding the related information and experiencing the communication between each other during the process of contracting and intaking. However, in the case studies, the problems can not yet be solved by the existing freelance platforms.(2)Design a service flow that meets the user’s need. Consider mobile application as a carrier and design an interface that catch up with the current trend.(3)After evaluating the design prototype of the mobile phone application in this study, it was found that the participants were generally satisfied with the 7 design points, which can enhance the degree of trust, information accessibility and communication experience. In addition, the usability of its function and interface have met the standard.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents摘要 i\nAbstract ii\n謝誌 iv\n目錄 v\n圖目錄 ix\n表目錄 xv\n\n第一章、緒論 1\n第一節、研究背景 1\n第二節、研究問題 2\n第三節、研究目的 3\n第四節、研究架構 4\n\n第二章、文獻探討與案例分析 5\n第一節、服務設計 5\n一、服務設計的定義 5\n二、服務設計流程 6\n三、小結 7\n第二節、使用者經驗 9\n一、使用者經驗的定義與原則 9\n二、互動設計的定義與原則 13\n三、介面設計的定義與原則 15\n四、小結 18\n第三節、設計專案管理 18\n一、專案管理 18\n二、設計專案管理 21\n三、專案管理產品案例分析 22\n四、小結 26\n第四節、 信任、資訊與溝通 27\n一、信任 27\n二、資訊 28\n三、溝通 30\n第五節、發包接案平台案例分析 31\n一、104外包網 32\n二、1111外包網 36\n三、518外包網 39\n四、99job 44\n五、鐘點大師|Freelancer加速器 47\n六、PRO360達人網 52\n七、99designs 58\n八、Guru 64\n九、Upwork 68\n十、發包接案平台案例分析總結 73\n\n第三章、研究方法與分析 79\n第一節、研究架構 79\n一、第一階段:使用者需求研究 79\n二、第二階段:服務流程與介面設計 79\n三、第三階段:測試與評估 79\n第二節、使用者需求研究方法 80\n一、深度訪談 80\n二、問卷調查 81\n第三節、深度訪談設計與結果 81\n一、訪談大綱與構面 81\n二、訪談大綱順序 82\n三、受訪者條件 83\n四、訪談結果與問卷內容之建構 83\n第四節、問卷設計與結果 83\n一、問卷發放族群 84\n二、問卷發放管道 84\n三、問卷內容 84\n四、問卷結果與整理 84\n第五節、定義目標使用者 86\n第六節、需求分析 90\n\n第四章、服務流程與介面設計 93\n第一節、服務流程與介面設計方法 93\n一、服務藍圖(Service Blueprints) 93\n二、網站地圖(Site map) 94\n三、任務流(Task flow) 94\n四、線框圖(Wireframe) 95\n五、圖形使用者介面設計(Graphic User Interface design, GUI design) 95\n第二節、服務流程與介面設計歷程 96\n一、設計特點與細節 96\n二、發包接案平台服務藍圖 102\n三、發包接案平台網站地圖 107\n四、測試用設計原型任務流 109\n五、線框圖 115\n六、圖形使用者介面設計 116\n\n第五章、測試與評估 156\n第一節、測試與評估方法 156\n一、使用性測試(Usability Testing) 156\n二、放聲思考法(Thinking Aloud Method) 156\n三、SUS量表(the System Usability Scale) 156\n四、狩野分析(Kano Model) 158\n第二節、使用性測試與評估內容 160\n一、測試評估大綱與構面 160\n二、受試者條件 161\n三、測試設備 162\n四、設計原型 162\n五、測試環境 162\n第三節、測試與評估結果 163\n一、受試者對於設計要點之滿意程度與想法 163\n二、設計原型易用性與改善方向 172\n三、設計要點狩野分析 196\n\n第六章、結論與未來展望 198\n第一節、結論與貢獻 198\n第二節、研究限制 200\n第三節、後續研究建議 200\n第四節、未來展望 201\n\n參考文獻 203\n中文文獻 203\n英文文獻 204\n附錄 210\n附錄 1、教育統計查詢網—106學年大專校院科系所數—依藝術學門查詢 210\n附錄 2、教育統計查詢網—大專校院學科標準分類查詢系統(第5次修正)—依藝術學門查詢 211\n附錄 3、教育統計查詢網—106學年大專校院在學學生數—依藝術學門查詢 212\n附錄 4、教育統計查詢網—97學年大專校院科系所數—依藝術學門查詢 213\n附錄 5、教育統計查詢網—97學年大專校院在學學生數—依藝術學門查詢 214\n附錄 6、訪談大綱:有發包過設計案件經驗者 215\n附錄 7、訪談大綱:有接過設計案件經驗者 216\n附錄 8、訪談說明與同意書 217\n附錄 9、摘句與問卷使用之收斂句 218\n附錄 10、問卷調查內容 230\n附錄 11、問卷結果 237\n附錄 12、摘句以及其對應之價值觀、痛點描述 252\n附錄 13 、受測說明與同意書 273\n附錄 14、評估腳本A:針對發包方設計 274\n附錄 15、評估腳本B:針對接案方設計 277\n附錄 16、測後問卷 280\n附錄 17、研究概覽圖 284\n本論文作者之中英文簡歷 287zh_TW
dc.format.extent26292084 bytes-
dc.subjectDesign freelance platformen_US
dc.subjectUser experienceen_US
dc.subjectService designen_US
dc.subjectInterface designen_US
dc.subjectDesign project managementen_US
dc.titleToward an Optimized User Interface and Service Flow for the Freelance Design Projects Matching Platformen_US
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