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dc.contributor.advisorWang, Jenn-Hwanen_US
dc.contributor.authorChou, Cheng-Luen_US
dc.creatorChou, Cheng-Luen_US
dc.description.abstractIn the process of Taiwan`s energy transformation, solar photovoltaic has been playing the role of pivotal. However, the large-scale power plant development has encountered with many problems. This paper takes the unfavorable farming area in the sinking area of the serious stratum of Yunlin as an example to discuss the development dilemma faced by the solar photovoltaic special area. The author believes that local politics is the most critical factor in a special area. The development of the special area will face problems such as land integration, social consensus, and financial reward. It is difficult for the energy enterprise as outsiders to gain trust at the local level. The county government lacked incentives and sufficient political power in the district to lead its inability to solve the problems, caused it did not become an intermediary and mediator for the development of the special area. Therefore, if the practitioner needs to solve the above problems, they must find an agent with good local relations. It is possible to rely on the agent`s social network to integrate the land effectively, but many cases are difficult to complete because of the factional struggle between the agents during the election period. On the other hand, the plan of the special area has caused an uneven distribution of local interests, which is also an important reason for the area to become a field of factional struggle.\nIt has been known from the development experience of the special area that local factions can influence the development of the special area by four methods: mastering the local discourse power, holding feeder information, coordinating the local feedback mechanism, and influencing the institutional development of the special area. Local consensus and profit sharing as the basis of local energy. In the absence of local social consensus and uneven distribution of benefits, local factions will intensify these problems and eventually lead to the suspension of the special area. In addition, this paper also finds the other reasons for the difficult development in the special area include the infrastructure shortage, the central and local information asymmetry, the lack of the main responsible unit in the local administrative division of labor and the lack of local administrative capacity.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents壹、前言 3\n貳、研究背景 7\n參、文獻回顧 9\n一、地方能源 9\n(一)地方能源的社會接受度 10\n(二)地方政府的行為模式 11\n二、台灣再生能源發展的研究 14\n三、雲林地方派系的演變 17\n(一)國民黨主政期的派系發展及分裂 18\n(二)民進黨執政期的派系游離 22\n(三)張派的東山再起 25\n四、小結 26\n肆、研究方法 29\n一、研究架構 30\n二、章節安排 32\n伍、農地種電的出現與發展 33\n一、養水種電的起源 33\n二、雲林農地種電的意外插曲 35\n三、農委會的法規修正與專區的劃設 39\n四、修正後走向專區模式 40\n五、小結 42\n陸、專區發展的困境 43\n一、雲林目前的政治概況 43\n二、專區劃設的矛盾 45\n三、饋線不足與土地整合困難 51\n(一)土地整合時的質疑與反彈 51\n(二)地方派系成為專區的媒合者 52\n(三)饋線的缺乏 55\n四、因利益分配不均與派系鬥爭形成的僵局 57\n(一)利益分配不均 57\n(二)派系鬥爭增添的不確定性 59\n(三)「300公尺規範」-為選票而栓的枷鎖 62\n五、小結 65\n(一)地方政治對地方能源的重要性 65\n(二)地方派系影響專區發展的四種方法 67\n柒、結論 69\n一、研究發現 69\n二、研究貢獻 76\n捌、參考文獻 77\n英文參考文獻 77\n中文參考文獻 80zh_TW
dc.format.extent2017113 bytes-
dc.subjectEnergy transformationen_US
dc.subjectSolar photovoltaicen_US
dc.subjectLocal politicsen_US
dc.subjectSolar photovoltaic on agricultural landen_US
dc.subjectLocal Energyen_US
dc.titleThe dilemma of Yunlin ground-type solar photovoltaic development: the perspective of local politicsen_US
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