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題名: 中國在中東歐的經貿政策對俄國及歐盟的影響 :以「一帶一路」倡議及「16+1」平台為例
The Influence of China`s Economic and Trade Policies Toward Central and Eastern Europe on Russia and EU: Belt and Road Initiative and the 16 + 1 Format
作者: 宋淳暄
Sung, Chun-Hsuan
貢獻者: 魏艾
Wei, Ai
Sung, Chun-Hsuan
關鍵詞: 一帶一路倡議
Belt and Road Initiative
16+1 Format
instrument of economic coercion
EU Enlargement
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 3-十月-2019
摘要: 中國於習近平時代的外交政策有別於過去的韜光養晦,逐漸更加自信,其透過經貿政策加強與區域國家的關係,包含「一帶一路」倡議、金磚國家開發銀行,以及建立中國與中東歐國家「16+1」平台等。中國在習近平時期加大與中東歐國家的經貿往來,其所提出的「16+1」平台即以中東歐國家為首,加強雙方會晤管道,為「一帶一路」倡議提供完善的連結。\n\n本研究主要探討中國透過「一帶一路」倡議與「16+1」平台加深與區域國家雙邊經貿合作是否影響中東歐與主要貿易夥伴歐盟、俄國的經貿關係。此外,中國所提出的「16+1」平台是否會因為地區的不同,而與個別國家存在不同程度的關係。最後,中國大規模基礎建設是否為歐盟及俄國帶來潛在的威脅。本研究以貿易、投資、基礎建設做為分析指標,透過Jonathan Kirshner經濟權力工具對中國經貿政策進行分析。\n\n研究發現,中國雖然在「16+1」平台增加與中東歐國家的關係,實際上,中國主要投資國家為中東歐四國、羅馬尼亞及保加利亞。貿易方面,中國與中東歐四國的貿易額遠高於地區其他國家。其次,中國經貿政策對歐盟及俄國帶來部分影響。貿易商品中,中國及俄國重疊項目僅於次要出口商品,中國經貿政策因而未顯著影響俄國與中東歐國家的經貿關係。然而,中國與歐盟對中東歐國家的出口項目皆以機械設備及電器設備為首,其中,中國與歐盟出口至中東歐國家的電器商品存在高度同質性,雙方皆出口電話相關設備。因此,中國經貿政策可能對中東歐國家帶來規避性及防禦性作用。基礎建設部分,中國與俄國在中東歐國家的基礎建設皆涵蓋鐵路、核電廠、港口、電信設備,其中捷克Dukovany及Temelin核電廠建設為雙方當前的競爭項目。中國與歐盟相似的基礎建設領域包含鐵路、公路建設,當前雙方雖未有相互競爭的案例,但個別歐盟國家可能存在與中國競爭的項目,此則不列入本研究範圍之中。
China’s foreign policy in the Xi Era is different from the past. It is gradually more confident rather than hiding its capabilities and biding its time. It strengthens its relations with regional countries through economic and trade policies, including Belt and Road initiative, New Development Bank, and 16+1 format, etc. During the Xi Era, China increases its economic and trade relations with Central and Eastern European countries. The "16+1" format is the one that strengthens the channels for China and CEECs, and provides a close link for the Belt and Road initiative.\n\nThe purpose of this study is to investigate whether China’s economic and trade policies will influence the economic and trade relations between CEECs and their major trading partners, the EU and Russia. In addition, this study discusses whether the relations among China and CEECs in the same format are different due to their regions. Moreover, this study shows if China`s large-scale infrastructure investment poses a potential threat to the EU and Russia. This study analyzes China`s economic and trade policies in terms of Jonathan Kirshner`s instruments of economic coercion including three indicators: trade, investment, and infrastructure.\n\nThe study found that although China increased its relations with CEECs within the "16+1" format, China`s main investment partners were the Visegrad Group, Romania and Bulgaria. The trade flow between China and the Visegrad Group was much higher than that of other countries in the region. Second, China`s economic and trade policies have had a certain impact on the EU and Russia. In terms of trade categories, China and Russia’s main export commodities were not the same, as a result, China’s economic and trade policies did not significantly affect the economic and trade relations between Russia and CEECs. However, China and the EU`s exports to the region were both focus on mechanical equipment and electrical equipment especially the latter one which both actors exported telephone-related equipment to the CEECs. China`s economic and trade policies toward CEECs might have evasive and defensive effects. In the part of infrastructure, both China and Russia`s infrastructure toward CEECs included railways, nuclear power buildings, ports, and telecommunication equipment. Moreover, the competitive cases among these projects were the construction of Dukovany and Temelin nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic. In addition, China and EU`s infrastructure projects both included railways and highway construction. There were no competing cases between the two sides, however, individual EU countries may have similar competing cases with China, which was not in the range of this study.
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