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題名: 此刻共在的隱喻填空同樂會: 星座運勢直播的閱聽人接收分析
Being-togetherness party of Metaphorical concretization: The Reception Analysis of Horoscope Live-streaming Video
作者: 蔡佳璇
Tsai, Chia-Hsuan
貢獻者: 劉慧雯
關鍵詞: 接收分析
Reception analysis
Social media
Reader response theory
Interpretive communities
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 6-十二月-2019
摘要: 本研究以觀察『「電視時代的星座專家」進化成為「社群時代的國師」』的現象作為問題意識的起點。以讀者反應理論的觀點切入,探討在社群媒體直播影片中閱聽人如何與文本進行互動並形成詮釋社群,觀察閱聽人在互動中如何透過掌握「隱喻」的概念,確知自己對直播內容的理解,並形塑自身的認知。\n故以知名網紅唐綺陽的粉絲專頁「唐綺陽占星幫」為例進行研究。研究對象設定在2012年起到2018年底前十大留言人次的星座運勢直播影片,針對直播文本與閱聽眾留言內容進行文本分析與歸納。\n研究發現「與閱聽人一同觀看直播的網友們」與「直播內容本身的特徵」影響直播接收狀態甚鉅。社群間閱聽人彼此互動與認同所創造的共在感,讓閱聽人沉醉其中。閱聽人,也會因為直播內容的特定情境,進而做出對應的觀看方式:詮釋社群在此變成一個浮動且彈性的狀態。而此,也讓十二星座的運勢直播有機會讓萬人都感到滿意。\n最後,社群媒體的介面特性讓傳統文學作品的文本意義延伸,除了直播內容與留言之外,直播主本身也是文本之一。文本的開展提供了大量文本空白讓粉絲可以投入,在意義上真正變成了同樂會,使閱聽人們可以呼朋引伴、暢所欲言並樂在其中。
The research starts from the observing the problematic of the phenomena of transforming from a horoscope expert into a national advisor in social media era. Applying the reader response theory to address how audience interact with texts and the formation of interpretative social group, and how audience use the perception of metaphor to acknowledge their own understanding of the live-streaming video and construct their own self-recognition.\nThe well-known internet sensation, Jesse Tang’s fan page “@JesseTang11” is chosen for the case study. The research targets are the live-streaming videos of top ten comment volume between 2012 to the end of 2018. The researcher applies the text analysis method into the live-streaming text and the audience comments.\nIt is found that the main factor of affecting the receiving status of live-streaming are “the Netizens who are watching at the same time” and “the features of content of the live-streaming video”. The audience are fascinated by the feeling of co-existence from the audience interaction and recognition within social groups. The interpretive communities become a fluid and flexible due to the audience will adjust their watching mode according to the specific circumstances in the live-streaming video. This creates the possibility of making all audience satisfied by the 12 horoscope live-streaming.\nIn addition to the content of live-streaming and the audience comments, the live-streaming host is one of the texts because the interface feature of the social media has expanded the text meaning of traditional literature. Such expansion offers a text vacancy where fans can fully enjoy by gathering and speaking freely that makes it a true funfest.
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