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題名: 又/再的結構意義與用法—兼論華語教材與教學語法
On You `Again` and Zai `Repeatedly`: structure, meaning, usage and Its Pedagogical Implication on Teaching Materials and pedagogical grammar
作者: 鍾隆瑋
Chung, Lung-Wei
貢獻者: 張郇慧
Claire H. H. Chang
Chung, Lung-Wei
關鍵詞: 華語教材

Chinese teaching materials
Pedagogical grammar
Similar adverbs
Mandarin you
Mandarin zai
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 5-Feb-2020
摘要: 「又」與「再」為漢語中使用頻率很高的近義副詞,兩者都可用來表示動作或狀態的重複,但並非在任何情況下都能隨意互換,如果使用不當會造成錯誤,對於華語學習者來說,這種錯誤時常發生(高林波、張維微,2008)。再者,目前臺灣常用的華語教材有《當代中文課程》、《新實用視聽華語》、《遠東生活華語》,經研究者調查後發現這三套教材中,與「又」、「再」有關的生詞及語法點,其出現順序並非呈現一致的情形。以「別再」為例,《當代中文課程》與《遠東生活華語》收錄在第二冊,而《新實用視聽華語》則收錄在第四冊;除此之外,「又」、「再」皆能表示重複義,但是只有《遠東生活華語》比較了「又」與「再」重複義的差別。\n\n從上述可知「又」與「再」相關的生詞及語法點並沒有較完善的解釋,且出現順序也呈現不一致的情形。為了幫助華語學習者,本研究使用內容分析法,從「又」與「再」的語意為基礎,並分析調查「又」與「再」的各義項在華語教材中的描述及出現的順序;同時也使用母語者語料庫及學習者語料庫進行語料收集及分析,分析後的數據即作為義項排序的依據;義項中的結構難易度則採鄧守信(2015)提出的難易度評定原則來為「又」與「再」的各義項進行排序,並提出教材編纂建議。\n\n本研究成果為:根據前人關於「又」和「再」的文獻進行探討分析後提出完善的義項內容;調查「又」和「再」在教材中以何種形式出現,及其描述的內容是否恰當;根據母語者及學習者語料庫分析後得出的數據及難易度原則判定的結果提出義項及相關語法結構的排序。故本研究之學術價值與貢獻在於將「又」與「再」在華語教材中的描述缺失更正,並提出適合的教學順序。亦期望本研究之成果能帶給華語教師及華語教材編纂者具體之建議,且學習者在學習「又」與「再」的各義項之相關生詞及語法點後能清楚兩者異同。
"You" and "zai" are very common synonyms in Chinese, both of which can be used to express the repetition of actions or states, but they are not always interchangeable in any case. If used improperly, mistakes will be caused, which often happen to Chinese learners (Gao & Zhang, 2008). Nowadays, three Chinese textbooks commonly used in Taiwan are A Course in Contemporary Chinese, Practical Audio-Visual Chinese(3rd), and Far East Everyday Chinese. After investigating these three Chinese textbooks, we found that the occurrence order of the words and grammars related to "you" and "zai" is not consistent. Taking "bie zai" as an example, the A Course in Contemporary Chinese and the Far East Everyday Chinese are included in the second volume, while the Practical Audio-Visual Chinese(3rd) is included in the fourth volume. In addition, "you" and "zai" can both represent the meaning of "repetition", but only the Far East Everyday Chinese compares the difference between "you" and "zai".\n\nIt can be seen from the above that the words and grammar points related to "you" and "zai" are not explained well, and the order of occurrence is inconsistent. In order to help Chinese learners, this study uses the content analysis method, based on the meaning of "you" and "zai", and then analyzes and investigates the description and occurrence order of "you" and "zai" in Chinese textbooks. At the same time, the corpus of native speakers and learners are also used for corpus collection and analysis, and the results of the analysis are used as the basis for semantic sorting. The difficulty of syntactic structures of "you" and "zai" are ranked by the principles of difficulty proposed by Teng (2015), and the suggestions for textbook compilation are put forward.\n\nThe results of this study are as follows: we based on the previous literature on "you" and "zai" and put forward a complete definition after discussing and analyzing; In what form do "you" and "zai" appear in the textbook, and whether the content described is appropriate; The semantic and related grammatical structures are sorted based on the data obtained from the analysis of the corpus of native speakers and learners, and the principles of difficulty judgment. Therefore, the academic value and contribution of this study lies in correcting the omission of "you" and "zai" in Chinese textbooks and proposing the appropriate teaching sequence. It is also expected that the results of this study will give specific advice to Chinese language teachers and compilers of Chinese language textbooks, and that learners will be able to understand the similarities and differences between the two after learning the relevant vocabulary and grammar points of "you" and "zai".
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