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題名: 中國大陸醫改後對非本土口腔診所經營之分析 — 以上海外資K診所及台資Y診所為例
Analysis on Operation of Foreign-Funded Dental Clinics After the China’s Medical Reform — Evidences from Cases of Foreign-Funded K Clinic and Taiwan-Funded Y Clinic in Shanghai
作者: 藍國瑜
Lan, Kuo-Yu
貢獻者: 黃智聰
Huang, Jr-Tsung
Lan, Kuo-Yu
關鍵詞: 中國大陸醫改
China’s Medical Reform
Dental Clinic
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 5-Feb-2020
摘要: 中國大陸,自1985年來的「醫改」,使得整個醫療產業有了極其大改變與市場開放,尤其在2000年2月國務院更確定實行醫藥分業原則,「鼓勵各醫療機構合作、合併,醫療價格放開,可以依法自主經營,是完全走向市場化的醫療改革機制」,又隨著經濟發展,民眾所得增加,對於高端自費醫療需求增加,因此吸引了全球的醫療機構進入中國大陸市場(如,本研究外資K個案診所),然在未開放台資可在中國大陸設立診所下,還是有台資應用技術性操作,進入中國大陸市場(如,本研究台資Y個案診所)。\n\n本研究,主要的研究個案是在為數不多的外資診所及台資診所中,找出在醫改開放後,符合在中國大陸上海發展自費口腔醫療品牌連鎖「經營超過十五年、且經營績效卓越、是產業領導者」的外資個案診所及台資個案診所,經由同業推薦找到符合上述三大要件的二個案診所,分別是外資的K個案診所及台資的Y個案診所。在專家方面有代表外資K個案診所的K專家,是K個案中國區總經理,已有18年醫療產業經驗,是一位上海本地人。另外是有代表台資Y個案診所的Y專家,是中國大陸事業部副總經理,已有25年醫療產業經驗,是一位台灣人,由於這二位專家都是具有豐富醫療產業經驗,且在個案診所中都擔任重要職務,在產業中也具有一定的影響力。\n\n本研究,主要是在探討中國大陸在醫改後對非本土口腔診所之經營分析,以上海外資K個案診所及台資Y個案診所為例,本研究主要的結論有:\n\n外資診所及台資診所在創新經營模式上的共同點有:\n\n1、經營創新。2、團隊創新。3、醫技創新。4、服務創新。5、獲利創新。\n\n外資診所及台資診所在創新經營模式上的差異點,有:\n\n外資診所會強調的差異有:1、國際品牌。2、高端硬體。3、高價定位。\n\n台資診所會強調的差異有:1、台灣品牌。2、台籍醫師。3、親民定價。
The "medical reform" since 1985 in China, has greatly changed the entire medical industry and also opened its market. Especially in February 2000, the State Council further established the principle of separating medical industries. "Encourage cooperation and merger of medical institutions, so it can be operated independently in accordance with the law. It is a completely market-oriented medical reform mechanism. " With the economic development, the income of the public has increased, and the demand for high-end self-payment medical care has increased as well. Therefore, global medical institutions has attracted to enter the market in China (such as the research on foreign-funded K Clinic). However, Taiwan-funded clinics can be set up in China before they are allowed, but there are still Taiwan-funded applications for technical operations to enter the market in China(such as the research Taiwan-funded Y Clinic).\n\nIn this research, the main research case is to find out the foreign-funded clinics and Taiwan-funded clinics which (1) start business more than 15 years with (2) excellent business performance and also play as (3) peers leader after the medical reform and opening market. Those are self-paid oral medical brand chain in Shanghai. The foreign-funded K Clinic and the Taiwan-funded Y Clinic which match above 3 requirements were recommended by their peers clinics.\n\nIn terms of experts, there is a K expert who represents a foreign-funded K Clinic. He is the General Manager of K Clinic. He has 18 years of experience in the medical industry and also a native in Shanghai. In addition, there is a Y expert who represents a Taiwan-funded Y Clinic. He is a Deputy General Manager of the China Business Unit. He has 25 years of experience in the medical industry and he is a Taiwanese. Since both experts have great experience in the medical industry, and they stand an important positions in case clinics and also has a enough influence in the industry.\n\nThis research mainly discuss the analysis on operation of foreign-funded dental clinics after China’s medical reform. Evidences from cases of foreign-funded K Clinic and Taiwan-funded Y Clinic in Shanghai, the main conclusions of this research are:\n\nCommon points of foreign-funded and Taiwan-funded clinics in innovative business models are: 1. Operational innovation. 2. Team innovation. 3. Medical technology innovation. 4. Service innovation. 5. Profit and innovation.\n\nThe differences in innovative business models of foreign-funded and Taiwan-funded clinics are:\n\nThe foreign-funded clinic will emphasize: 1. International brands. 2. High-end hardware. 3. High price positioning.\n\nThe Taiwan-funded clinic will emphasize: 1. Taiwan’s brands. 2. Taiwanese physicians. 3. Pricing for the people.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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