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題名: 伊比鳩魯的非寂靜主義政治學
The Non–Quietist Politics of Epicurus
作者: 郭大維
Kuo, Da-Wei
貢獻者: 林遠澤
Lin, Yuan-Tse
Kuo, Da-Wei
關鍵詞: 感受
Emotion (pathē)
Pleasure (hēdonē)
Friendship (philia)
Rank criticism (parresia)
Live unnoticed (lathē biōsas)
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-Mar-2020
摘要: 伊比鳩魯的享樂主義倫理學歷來被視為一種不參與公共事務的政治寂靜主義,這種詮釋體現於西塞羅、蒲魯塔克等人對他政治思想的批判中。\n\n本論文重新檢視伊比鳩魯的經典,進而藉著以感覺(aisthesis)與直接感受(pathē)為基礎的準則學,以及導向個體真快樂的倫理學,重新詮釋其政治思想,說明伊比鳩魯主義不僅不是一種政治非寂靜主義,更有積極面對公共事務的可能性。\n\n本論文論證,首先,在準則學的觀照下,伊比鳩魯的快樂具有階層性,個體的快樂與群體不僅不衝突,並且有助於個體靈魂操練。其次,他為欲望療癒而建立的友誼花園,提供對個體感受與必要欲望的引導,並發展其特殊的靈魂引導學。第三,如此及至公共事務,依循其格言「不受注目的活著」(lathē biōsas),就不會是大規模、強而有力地實現他的政治理想,而是在人的感受基礎下,建立一種空間,使得快樂觀念易於隱性地傳遞,社會中不論是否支持伊比鳩魯主義之人皆可適當享受快樂。\n\n最後,本論文說明伊比鳩魯主義政治思想對現代世界的影響,包含現代法政思想、效益主義,以及正向心理學。而後在與泰樂和桑斯坦的「助推」比較下,一方面說明伊比鳩魯政治思想的可行性,另一方面,伊比鳩魯所提供的人性論基礎,也提供助推免於工具理性批判的可能性。
Epicurus’ hedonist ethics has often been viewed as a form of political quietism that refuses to engage in public affairs. This interpretation can be found stated explicitly in Cicero’s and Plutarch’s critique of his political thought.\n\nThis dissertation will re-examine the writings of Epicurus and re-interpret his political thought through his canonics, which is based on sense-perception (aisthesis) and direct emotion (pathē), and his ethics, which leads each individual to their true pleasure. This dissertation will argue that Epicureanism is not a form of political quietism, but has the potential for a positive engagement in public affairs.\n\nThis dissertation will argue, firstly, in light of his canonics, Epicurus’ theory of pleasure is multileveled. Therefore, the good of others is not in conflict with the pleasure of the individual, but is a necessity for personal spiritual exercises. Secondly, the garden of friendship which he founded for the therapy of desires provides guidance for the emotions and the necessary desires of each individual, and develops its particular psychagogy. Thirdly, as for politics, Epicurus has no intention of realizing his maxim “live unnoticed (lathē biōsas)” on a large social scale forcibly, but instead, he opens up an area that is based on human emotions wherein the ideas of pleasure can spread easily and covertly, so that those who live in the community, whether or not they are Epicureans, could enjoy pleasure appropriately.\n\nFinally, this dissertation explains the influences that Epicureanism has on the modern world, including modern ideas of law and politics, utilitarianism, and positive psychology. This dissertation will also compare Epicureanism with Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein’s Nudge. This dissertation will demonstrate, on the one hand, the practicability of Epicurean’s political thought, and, on the other hand, the theory of human nature provided by the Epicureans can provide a supplement to Nudge that could prevent it from being criticized as a form of instrumental reason.
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