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題名: 中央災害應變中心運作機制之研究–以大規模災害處置為例
Study of the Central Emergency Operation Center Operation –Taking large-scale disaster response as an example
作者: 林正玄
Lin, Cheng-Hsuan
貢獻者: 蕭乃沂
Lin, Cheng-Hsuan
關鍵詞: 中央災害應變中心
Central Emergency Operation Center
Emergency Prevention and Rescue System
Command Power Transfer
Emergency Information Gap
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-Mar-2020
摘要: 我國因天然環境及地理位置因素,颱風、水災及地震等災害頻繁,加上近年來全球暖化與氣候變遷,極端雨量已成常態,災害規模亦日益擴大,為因應災害處置應變,行政院於民國90年7月26日函頒中央災害應變中心作業要點,由中央災害應變中心以目標及問題導向方式,統籌調度全國救災資源,使救災更有效率,提升民眾對政府的信任感。然該中心迄今雖已歷經超過百次風災、震災及水災等災害考驗及淬練,政府整體災害防救體系運作已趨於穩定,惟其中仍有部分運作問題應予發掘,藉以檢討精進,將透過近年災例逐一呈現所見問題,包括指揮官專業及指揮權移轉、重大災害初期型態不明致無法確定災害防救業務主管機關、較不常發生災害之處置應變及未確實掌握災情產生資訊落差等問題,並提出檢討與策進作為,冀能強化政府災害應變效能。\n本研究透過文獻探討、次級資料分析、問卷調查法及深度訪談方法,瞭解在大規模災害情境下中央災害應變中心於災害應變過程所遭遇之問題,並針對研究發現中央災害應變中心應成立而未成立之問題、指揮官專業能力有待提升及功能分組協調聯繫有待加強3項問題,分別提出建議修正中央災害應變中心開設時機、修正寒害中央災害應變中心開設規定、提升指揮官危機處理及跨域管理等專業能力、制定指揮官調動規範、加強功能分組協調聯繫及加強各級防救災人員EMIC系統操作教育訓練等6項對策,期能對症下藥有效解決問題。
Taiwan is frequently stricken by typhoons, floods and earthquakes due to its natural environment and geographical location. Besides from the global warming and climate change, the extreme rainfall has become a common issue which led to the catastrophe. On July 26th, 2001, the Central Emergency Operation Center was well-established and declared its purpose to deal with the emergency as a center to coordinate and dispatch disaster relief resources in order to make the rescue procedure more efficient as well as enhance the governmental trust from the community. Although the implementation of Central Emergency Operation Center has been stabilized by practically coping with hundreds of natural disasters, there are still some unsolved problems during the operation which require us to conduct in depth researches in order to overcome them, such as the transfer of commander and its authority, the uncertainty of early stage of major incident, the inability to size up or implement policy during disaster prevention and rescue operations, the lake of experience of new form of integrated disasters, failure to analyze the joint emergency information……and so on, and there are more parts waiting to be solved as develop an sustainable community is our ultimate goal.\n\nThis essay discovers those obstacles encounters by the Central Emergency Operation Center during the large-scale emergency situation through literature review, secondary data analysis, questionnaire survey approach and in depth interviews. Moreover, it also finds that the Central Emergency Operation Center should be established in the early stage when disasters occur. The parts that consider could be improved are as below: The professional competence of commander needs, the coordination between functional groups and the establishment of mutual connections. Three issued are proposed respectively to shorten the critical time of Central Emergency Operation Center’s establishment: the amendment of the regulations related to deploy ground staff and launch the procedure, the requirements of the commander’s crisis and cross-domain management and other professional capabilities, and advance the functional groups coordination pattern by utilizing EMIC system to arrange periodically education and training.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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