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題名: 高等教育創業教育指標建構與應用之研究-以臺灣U-start創新創業計畫為例
A research on the Indicators construction and application for entrepreneurship education in higher education — a case study on Taiwan U-start innovation and entrepreneurship plan
作者: 王少芸
Wang, Shao-Yun
貢獻者: 郭昭佑
Wang, Shao-Yun
關鍵詞: 高等教育
Entrepreneurship education
Fuzzy Delphi Method
Importance-Performance Analysis
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-Mar-2020
摘要: 本研究旨在建構高等教育創業教育之指標及探討其應用。首先就國內外文獻進行探討與分析,說明創業教育意涵,透過世界先進國家及臺灣推動創業教育情形,初擬高等教育創業教育構面與指標,請創業教育相關學者專家、政府官員、企業代表進行適切性評估,再依據模糊德懷術法整合專家意見,建構高等教育創業教育指標。運用重要表現程度分析法探究U-start創新創業計畫補助而持續營運至今261家企業對高等教育創業教育指標之重要性及表現程度認知情形。\n\n根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下:\n一、高等教育創業教育指標包含「創業態度養成」、「創業能力學習」、「社交能力培養」及「育成輔導協助」四構面16項指標。\n二、高等教育創業教育指標之「創業態度養成」、「育成輔導協助」二構面最重要,創業者有自信勇於冒險及挑戰備受重視。\n三、高等教育創業教育指標之「社交能力培養」、「創業能力學習」構面表現程度認知情形較差,需優先改善。\n四、亟需優先改善有「高等教育創業教育要成功,創業教育能促發創業者將在校所學創業知能,實際應用於創業過程」4項高等教育創業教育指標。\n五、女性認為「社交能力培養」構面較重要,6-10年創業年資企業認為「育成輔導協助」構面較重要。\n六、6-10年創業年資企業對「社交能力培養」構面表現程度認知較佳,員工人數7人以上及年度營業額1001萬元以上企業對「社交能力培養」、「育成輔導協助」二構面表現程度認知較佳。\n\n最後,本研究根據研究結果,分別對教育主管機關、大學校院、創業者以及後續研究提出建議。
This study aims to construct the indicators of entrepreneurship education in higher education and to explore such applications. First, the meaning of entrepreneurship education is explained through the exploration and analysis of domestic and international literature. The aspects and indicators of entrepreneurship education in higher education was initially drafted and suitability assessment was conducted by entrepreneurship education-related scholars, experts, government authorities, and business representatives. The indicators of entrepreneurship education in higher education were constructed based on the experts` opinions that were integrated via the Fuzzy Delphi Method. Then, the Importance-Performance Analysis was used to explore the importance and performance level of the indicators of entrepreneurship education in higher education for the 261 enterprises that received the subsidies from U-Start Plan for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and that are still operating\nAccording to the analysis and results of the research, the main conclusions are summarized as follow:\n\nI. The indicators of entrepreneurship education in higher education include four aspects of sixteen indicators: “cultivation of entrepreneurial attitude”, “learning of entrepreneurial abilities”, “cultivation of social competences”, and “incubation assistances”.\nII. “Cultivation of entrepreneurial attitude” and “incubation assistances” among the indicators of entrepreneurship education in higher education are the key aspects so that the entrepreneurs have the confidence to adventure and pay attention to the challenges.\nIII. “Cultivation of social competences” and “learning of entrepreneurial abilities” among the indicators of entrepreneurship education in higher education have poor cognition which should be prioritized for improvement.\nIV. Four indicators of entrepreneurship education in higher education should be prioritized for improvement: “Entrepreneurship education in higher education should be successful; entrepreneurship education can motivate entrepreneurs to apply the entrepreneurial knowledge learned in school to the practical application of entrepreneurship.”\nV. Women believed the “cultivation of social competences” was more important. Entrepreneurial enterprises of 6-10 years believed “incubation assistances” to be more important.\nVI. Entrepreneurial enterprises of 6-10 years had better cognition in the aspect of "cultivation of social competences ", whereas enterprises with seven or more employees and with annual revenue of 10.01 million had better cognition in the aspect of “cultivation of social competences” and “incubation assistances”.\n\nLastly, based on the research results, further suggestions were provided for the education-related authorities, universities and colleges, entrepreneurs and future studies.
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