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題名: 概念導向閱讀教學應用在國小英語補救教學之研究
Implementing Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction in a Primary EFL Remedial Program
作者: 黃薰瑤
Huang, Syun-Yao
貢獻者: 許麗媛
Hsu, Li-yuan
Huang, Syun-Yao
關鍵詞: 概念導向閱讀教學
L2 Intrinsic Reading Motivation
L2 Reading Ability
Remedial Program
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 2-三月-2020
摘要:   本研究旨在分析及探討概念導向閱讀教學應用在國小英語補救教學情況,採取問卷分析法進行國小英語補救教學之閱讀內在動機之分析,所使用的評量依據為小學全民英檢閱讀測驗之前後測分析,並使用問卷分析及訪問調查受試者對於此閱讀教學法的看法與感受。\n  本研究的結果顯示:在閱讀內在動機部份,包含閱讀功效、閱讀參與度、閱讀意願,尤閱讀參與度受概念導向閱讀教學法的正向影響而增長最具;在閱讀能力部份,以小學全民英檢之前、後測做比較後無明顯差異;而受試者對於概念導向閱讀教學法的看法與感受普遍呈現正向回饋。最後,依據本研究結果提出相關建議,供日後英語閱讀補救教學與研究之參考。
The study aims to explore how Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI) affects students’ intrinsic reading motivation and reading ability in a primary EFL remedial program. Students’ perceptions of the use of CORI in their English remedial class were also investigated. Seven students from the same remedial program were recruited to participate in the present study. Data were collected from the following sources: the post-experiment questionnaire, the GEPT-Kids Reading pre-test and post-test, and interviews.\nThe results of the study show that among the three dimensions of intrinsic reading motivation, the use of CORI as a teaching method was more effective in enhancing students’ reading involvement. No significant differences, however, were found between students’ scores on the GEPT-reading pretest and post-test. As for students’ perceptions of the remedial course, the findings from the questionnaire and interviews indicate that most students were positive about the use of CORI in the class. Finally, suggestions on teaching English reading to struggling young students are also discussed.
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