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題名: 收視行為、個人價值觀、自我監控與入迷程度對台灣觀眾收看大陸古裝劇的價值觀認同和社會規範之影響——以「琅琊榜」為例
Impact of television viewing,personal values, self-monitoring and fascination on the values ​​and ethical identity of viewing Chinese Costume Dramas in Taiwan - a case study of Nirvana in Fire
作者: 石晨晨
Shi, Chen-Chen
貢獻者: 郭貞
Shi, Chen-Chen
關鍵詞: 大陸古裝劇
Costume dramas
Viewing behavior
Social norms
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-Mar-2020
摘要: 近年來,大陸許多電視劇在台灣熱播, 其中更有諸如「後宮甄嬛傳」、「琅琊榜」、「武媚娘傳奇」等古裝劇在台掀起收視熱潮。據此,本研究乃以「琅琊榜」為例,從台灣觀眾的角度出發,針對收視行為、個人價值觀、自我監控與入迷程度等四個面向,來檢視閱聽人與電視劇價值觀認同和社會規範之間的關連性問題。研究主要使用網路問卷調查以及相應的量化統計方式檢定假設,而經由深度訪談法所得到的資料一同應用在討論之中。\n研究發現,觀眾收視行為的強度與觀劇入迷的程度有顯著相關;台灣觀眾更傾向於「長期導向」、「柔性傾向」、「高權力距離」和「集體主義」的個人文化價值觀,個人價值觀和入迷程度與對劇中所傳遞之價值觀認同有顯著相關,其中入迷程度對價值觀認同程度產生影響;觀眾對劇中價值觀的認同程度與其道德行為規範有關,其中自我監控程度對價值觀認同與道德行為規範之間的關連產生影響。是以,一部優質的戲劇能夠對入迷程度較深、對劇中價值觀認同程度較高的閱聽人產生社會規範之關連,而一部外銷收視表現良好的戲劇所傳遞之價值觀需與觀眾的個人文化價值觀相關。
In recent years, many mainland TV series have been popular in Taiwan, Costume dramas such as " Zhen Huan preach ", "nirvana in fire" and "the empress of China". Therefore, this study takes "nirvana in fire" as an example. From the perspective of Taiwanese audiences, this study examines the relationship between viewers` viewing behavior, personal values, self-monitoring, and obsession level with the TV series` values and social norms. The research mainly used questionnaire survey and corresponding quantitative statistical methods to test the hypothesis, and the data obtained through in-depth interview were applied together in the discussion.\nThis study found that the intensity of audience`s viewing behavior is related to the degree of obsession; Taiwanese audiences are more inclined to the individual cultural values of "long-term orientation", "flexible tendency", "high power distance" and "collectivism". The degree of audience`s approval is related to the social norms, in which the degree of self-monitoring affects the relationship between the two. Therefore, a high-quality drama can have a social normative relationship with audiences who are deeply fascinated by the drama and have a high degree of identification with the drama`s values, while the values conveyed by a drama that performs well in the export market should be related to the audience`s personal cultural values.
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