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題名: 政治新聞的真與假 : 閱聽人對真實的理解與辨偽
Why the political news is not the truth.
作者: 黃馨儀
Huang, Hsin-Yi
貢獻者: 蘇蘅
關鍵詞: 假新聞
fake news
social media
media literacy
party tendency
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-Mar-2020
摘要: 當政治假新聞成為全球議題,面臨2020年總統大選的台灣,同樣受到來自內外的資訊侵略,閱聽人在立場與訊息多元的社群媒體上,是否具有判斷資訊真偽的能力,抑或成為成為假新聞無形散播的推手。本研究透過「社群媒體政治性使用動機」、「媒體素養」、「政黨立場」、「政治資訊辨偽動機」等因素,試討論上述因素如何影響閱聽人的查核行為。\n\n  本研究透過網路問卷(N=415),「社群媒體政治性使用動機」方面,不論是資訊蒐集動機、人際互動動機均與查核行為呈正相關。「媒體素養」程度與查核行為呈正相關。「政黨立場」以台灣民眾黨的支持者,其查核行為程度最高;國民黨的支持者最低。「政治資訊辨偽動機」中,研究發現閱聽人較高頻率地瀏覽與自己立場相同的對象貼文,然而卻對立場相左的對象貼文具有較高的查核動機,而辨偽動機與查核行為同樣呈現正相關。\n\n  學界過去較少探索閱聽人與假新聞間的聯繫,希望透過本研究探索哪些因素影響閱聽人判斷政治資訊的真偽,對未來假新聞研究與實務選舉有所貢獻。
  Social media has had a huge impact on politics by shaping public discourse and revamping civic engagement. Taiwan will hold its presidential election in 2020. However, Taiwan has one of the worst disinformation problems in the world and has to combat the spread of fake news and disinformation ahead of the 2020 election. In order to know how people would have the ability to do fact-checking or not, this study conducts an online questionnaire of 415 Taiwanese respondents to explore which factor can influence behavior of fact-checking.\n\n  Results of this survey show that the motivation of information-collection and interpersonal interaction has positive correlation with the behavior of fact-checking. In addition, media literacy also has positive correlation with the motivation and behavior for fact-checking. On Party tendency, the supporters of Taiwan People`s Party have the strongest motivation for fact-checking and the supporters of Kuomintang Party have the least motivation to verify the facts.
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