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題名: 尋找最初的感動:探討懷舊電玩遊戲、懷舊情緒、幸福感與原真性知覺關係之研究
Exploring the relationships between retro game, nostalgia, well-being and authenticity perception
作者: 魏莉娟
Wei, Li-Chuan
貢獻者: 林日璇
Lin, Jih-Hsuan
Wei, Li-Chuan
關鍵詞: 懷舊電玩遊戲
Retro game
Hedonic well-being
Eudaimonic well-being
Authenticity perception
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 6-Apr-2020
摘要: 懷舊電玩遊戲可分成原版懷舊電玩遊戲與當代懷舊電玩遊戲,近年手機上崛起的當代懷舊電玩遊戲帶起了一股懷舊電玩遊戲風潮。本研究主要採取網路問卷調查法探討懷舊電玩遊戲對遊戲玩家的懷舊情緒、享樂型幸福感、實現型幸福感與原真性知覺的影響。本研究透過分析303位玩過電腦遊戲《RO仙境傳說Online》與手機遊戲《RO仙境傳說:守護永恆的愛》經驗的玩家,研究結果發現玩懷舊電玩遊戲會正向影響懷舊情緒;懷舊情緒會正向影響享樂型幸福感與實現型幸福感;懷舊情緒會中介玩懷舊電玩遊戲與享樂型幸福感與實現型幸福感之間的關係。本研究從觀光旅遊領域引用的原真性知覺概念雖然沒有於玩懷舊電玩遊戲對懷舊情緒的影響中產生調節效果,但仍進一步發現原真性知覺會正向影響玩家的懷舊情緒,這些結果有助於為未來懷舊電玩遊戲研究提供新的研究視角。
Retro games can be divided into classic retro games and modern retro games. In recently years, modern retro games become increasingly popular on mobile platforms. This study uses online survey to examine the effects of retro games on players’ nostalgia, hedonic well-being, eudaimonic well-being, and authenticity perception. This study analyzes 303 players who have played the computer game Ragnarok Online and the mobile game Ragnarok M : Eternal Love. Results show that playing retro game is positively associated with nostalgia. Second, nostalgia is positively associated with hedonic well-being. Third, nostalgia is positively associated with eudaimonic well-being. Fourth, the relationship between playing retro game and hedonic well-being is partially mediated by nostalgia. Fifth, the relationship between playing retro game and eudaimonic well-being is mediated by nostalgia. Although the moderation effect of authenticity perception is non-significant, this study further proves that authenticity perception is positively associated with nostalgia. The results offer new perspectives for future retro games research.
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