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題名: 台灣有線電視系統業者創新商業模式之建構
A Tentative Business Innovation Model of CATV System Operators in Taiwan
作者: 周良璟
Chou, Liang-Ching
貢獻者: 鄭自隆
Cheng, Tzu-Leong
Chou, Liang-Ching
關鍵詞: 有線電視
Cable TV
Digital convergence
Business Model
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 5-五月-2020
摘要: 台灣有線電視系統產業面臨跨區經營、MOD與OTT競爭,既有的經營利潤也遭到侵蝕,發展已產生巨大影響。為因應經營變局,本研究採用奧斯特華德(Alex Osterwalder)的商業模式及修正式德菲法(Modified Delphi Method)進行專家問卷調查,彙整專家意見建構出台灣有線電視產業創新的商業模式。\n研究結果發現\n一、產業困境:有線電視產業面臨法規不健全、分組付費遲遲未能實施、開放跨區經營價格競爭、網路電視、節目內容吸引力不足等困境。\n二、數位匯流:數位匯流發展、政府對有線電視系統汰換4K網路設備及4K機上盒的補助、有線電視系統與電信跨業經營、5G行動通訊的發展及物聯網(IoE)發展提供有線電視產業更多發展機會。\n三、經營模式:主要客群除原本用戶外,應增加智慧家電、物聯網使用者。此外,需整合線上線下通路,改善現有客戶服務流程,提供目標客層多元互動連結服務模式,創造加值互動應用,滿足客戶多元化的需求。加強維繫合作夥伴的互動關係、投入經營相關的成本並創造更多元的服務收入,提升用戶體驗。
Taiwan`s Cable TV system operators facing the competition of trans-regional operation, MOD and OTT, and the existing operating profits have also been eroded, which has a huge impact on its development. In order to cope with the changing business situation, this study adopts the Bussiness model by Alex Osterwalder and Modified Delphi Method to conduct expert questionnaire survey, and integrates expert opinions to construct an innovative business model for the Cable TV system operators in Taiwan.\nThe study results found that\nI. Industrial Dilemma: The cable TV system operators facing such dilemmas as imperfect laws and regulations, delayed implementation of group payment, open price competition for cross-regional operation, and insufficient attraction of network TV and program content.\nII. Digital convergence: The development of digital convergence, the government`s subsidies for replacing 4K network equipment and 4K set-top boxes in cable television system operators, the cross-industry operation of cable television system operators and telecommunications, the development of 5G mobile communications and the development of the Internet of Things (IoE) provide more development opportunities for the cable TV industry.\nIII. Business model: Apart from the original customers, the users of intelligent household appliances and Internet of Things should be added to the main customer bases. Moreover, it is necessary to integrate online and offline channels, improve the existing customer service process, provide multiple interactive connection service modes at the target customer level, and create value-added interactive applications to meet the diversified needs of customers. Strengthen and maintain the interactive relationship between partners, put into operation-related costs and create the diversified needs of customers to enhance the user experience.
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