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題名: 消息來源與媒體之認知差距: 中華電信公關稿與新聞呈現之比較研究
The Cognitive Gap between the Source`s News Release and Media Reporting:A case study of Chunghwa Telecom
作者: 余蕙慈
Yu, Hui-Tzu
貢獻者: 鄭自隆
Yu, Hui-Tzu
關鍵詞: 消息來源公關稿
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 3-Aug-2020
摘要: 中華電信在民營化後,面對市場競爭,進行組織改造、調整行銷手法、積極與消費者溝通,而發布企業新聞稿是對外溝通的重點管道之一。本研究即以中華電信「網路品質」、「業務銷售」、「財務營收」、「企業形象」及「異業結盟」五類型的新聞稿,進行媒體露出之比對。\n平面媒體包括工商時報、經濟日報、自由時報、中國時報及蘋果日報,網路媒體含聯合新聞網、中時電子報、自由電子報及中央社。就新聞價值、新聞元素及新聞結構進行三者間(企業公關稿、平面媒體及網路媒體)之比較分析。\n研究結果發現:\n一、 媒體記者與消息來源相互間存有相互依存的互利關係:\n記者需要新聞,因此儘管企業新聞稿非獨家新聞,而公關人員在考量企業新聞稿露出效益之下也都樂於與記者保持良好的互動,所以兩者存著相互的利益關係。\n二、 媒體性質的差異決定「守門」因素:\n媒體因屬性不同對於消息來源的報導內容與角度就不同,透過不同媒體的的編輯與解讀傳達的訊息從標題到內容就會有所不同。\n三、 即使社會科技持續變遷,但媒體關注之新聞價值與新聞元素仍然不會改變;不過網路新聞結構就不一樣,網路新聞不使用倒金字塔式寫作:\n對記者或媒體而言,網路新聞露出的成效是看點閱率,所以標題聳動能吸引閱聽人即時點選進去閱讀的動機,所以網路記者在編寫上不會特別採行倒金字塔的新聞結構。\n關鍵字: 消息來源公關稿、新聞價值、新聞元素、新聞結構、中華電信
As Chunghwa Telecom facing fierce competition after privatization in 2005, it began to carry out organizational transformation, improve marketing capabilities, and actively communicate with its customers. The release of corporate press is one of the key channels for this company to communicate with the outside world. In this study, we have compared and analyzed the news value, news elements and news structures among corporate press release, print media, and online media for five categories of Chunghwa Telecom’s news, including Network Quality, Business Sales, Revenue & Finance, Corporate image and Cross-industry alliance. The print media includes Commercial Times, Economic Daily, Liberty Times, China Times and Apple Daily; the online media includes,, and Central News Agency. We have the following major findings in this study:\n1. Media reporters and news sources have mutually beneficial relationships with each other:\nDespite the fact that corporate press releases are not exclusive news, but because the reporters need news and the corporate public relations personnel are willing to maintain good interaction with them, both sides have an interdependence of interests.\n2. The nature of the media determines the factors of gatekeeping:\nThe content and angle of news reports depends on the attributes of the media, so the message conveyed will be varied from the news title to the content through editing and interpretation of different media.\n3. The news value and news elements to media will not change as the society and technologies continues to change, but online reporter will not write news with inverted pyramid structure:\nThe measure of effectiveness for online news is based on the hit rate, so the reporters usually use sensantional headlines to attract readers’attention. Online reporter will not particularly adopt the inverted pyramid news structure.\nKeywords: Corporate press release, News value, News elements, News structure, Chunghwa Telecom
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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