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dc.contributor.advisorChung, Siaw-Fongen_US
dc.contributor.authorSoon, Suet-Chingen_US
dc.creatorSoon, Suet-Chingen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to investigate the Mandarin adverbs daodi and jiujing in news articles. While previous research focused mainly on the discussion of the lexical meanings of the two adverbs, this study discusses the cohesion and coherence of these two adverbs.\nTo fill this gap, the present research sets out to investigate the two adverbs used in news reports including analyzing syntactic patterns, collocations, and textual functions of these two adverbs. These findings indicate that features of daodi and jiujing used in the news reports are predictable and systematic.\nThe contributions of this dissertation are manifold: First, it lays out a description of the syntactic patterns of the adverbs daodi and jiujing used in news reports. Second, the examples show the preferred occurances of each adverb which reflect the high frequently used language chunks that in turn will benefit language teaching and learning.\nThird, this current research further proposes a textual functional approach and coherence analysis of adverbs in news reports. Fourth, this investigation identifies constructions that are repeatedly used in news reports, and provides a framework as to how to analyze their structural features.\nFinally, this research also provides insights and suggestions for practical usage and understanding the functions of Mandarin adverbs in news context. Intergrating high frequency collocation or language chunks into materials will benefit learners by clarifying the uses of the two adverbs to teachers and learners.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents中文摘要 I\n英文摘要 III\n目 次 V\n表 次 VIII\n圖 次 IX\n第一章 緒論 1\n1.1 研究動機與目的 1\n1.2 研究問題 4\n第二章 文獻探討 7\n2.1 副詞的語氣與情態 7\n2.2 「到底」與「究竟」詞義 9\n2.2.1 古漢語詞義 10\n2.2.2 古漢語語料分布 13\n2.2.3 現代漢語詞義 21\n2.3 「到底」與「究竟」語法特性 24\n2.4 「到底」與「究竟」疑問句式 29\n2.5 篇章功能與連結關係 38\n2.5.1 銜接與連貫 42\n2.5.2 新聞文本特性 45\n2.6 小結 49\n第三章 研究方法 51\n3.1 研究架構 51\n3.2 詞彙義項 52\n3.2.1 現代漢語詞義檢索工具 53\n3.2.2 現代漢語詞義解釋與語法特徵 54\n3.3 語料庫檢索及語料處理 56\n3.3.1 語料庫簡介 57\n3.3.2 語料檢索與篩檢 59\n3.4 語料分析步驟 62\n3.4.1 單句句內詞義與高頻搭配詞 62\n3.4.2 疑問句式標記 64\n3.4.3 「到底」與「究竟」銜接關係 65\n3.4.4 報導標題、導言與文末 71\n第四章 研究發現與討論 75\n4.1 語料分布 75\n4.1.1 現代漢語語料分布 75\n4.1.2 高頻搭配詞的分布 78\n4.2 「到底」與「究竟」出現位置 82\n4.2.1 新聞標題與導言首句 83\n4.2.2 報導文末句式 88\n4.3 「到底」與「究竟」的疑問句式 92\n4.4 「到底」與「究竟」銜接關係 102\n4.4.1 「到底」與「究竟」特指問銜接關係 107\n4.4.2 「到底」與「究竟」選擇問銜接關係 111\n4.4.3 「到底」與「究竟」正反問銜接關係 114\n4.5 小結 117\n第五章 「到底」與「究竟」篇章功能 123\n5.1 「到底」與「究竟」語意指向 123\n5.2 「到底」與「究竟」篇章功能 125\n5.3 小結 128\n第六章 結論與研究建議 129\n6.1 研究結果 129\n6.2 未來發展與建議 133\n6.2.1 未來發展:高頻生成順序模式 134\n6.2.2 未來發展:《泛用文字視覺化工具》 137\n6.2.3 未來發展:新聞文本銜接與連貫關係 140\n6.2.4 語塊與字串教學 142\n6.3 研究限制 143\n參考文獻 145\n附 錄 153zh_TW
dc.format.extent8147452 bytes-
dc.subjectdao4di3 and jiu4jing4en_US
dc.subjectsyntactic patterns of adverbsen_US
dc.subjecttextual functionsen_US
dc.titleThe Syntactic Patterns, Collocations, and Textual Functions of the Adverbs /dao4di3/ and /jiu4jing4/──A Corpus-based Studyen_US
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