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dc.contributor.advisorLin, Scott-Yen_US
dc.contributor.authorKuo, Chen-Hanen_US
dc.creatorKuo, Chen-Hanen_US
dc.description.abstractIn the hope of managing water resources effectively, public sectors often play a key role in constructing hydraulic infrastructures for the governance of the primary industry in hydraulic societies. However, Clarke’s research in rural China (2012) tells a different story. From his case studies, Clarke discovered that small scale innovation tailored to local circumstances is more effective than the large scale conventional programs led by the government. This paper attempts to incorporate Clarke’s theory in examining the Mailiao’s participatory approach in hydraulic governance. Launched in 1990 by a private enterprise, Formosa Plastics, the hydraulic governance program was later joined with Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (NKUST) to bring in professional knowledge in aquaculture and fishery. With this case study, this paper attempts to answer the following questions: In theory, how may the private sector engage in the construction of the hydraulic society in Mailiao? And empirically, how was Formosa Plastics being perceived by other private sector actors in Mailiao and how their interaction evolved over time?\n\nTo answer the questions, this paper divides the development of Mailiao’s hydraulic society into three stages: 1950 to 1990; 1990 to 2010; and 2010-2019. With literature reviews and in-depth interviews, this paper studies the interaction between Mailiao’s private sector and the other three Actors (i.e., the local fish farmers, the public sector, and the social organizations). This case study demonstrates that the private sector builds a connection with local fish farmers and engages in Mailiao’s hydraulic governance by ‘social organizations that could contribute professionally’ and ‘local governments that maintain a close relationship to its people.’ Besides, while the public sector’s governance model which focuses on the ‘quantity’ of water resource management, the private sector and social organizations, in contrast, concentrate more on the ‘quality.’ By providing innovative technology and tailored designs for local aquaculture, Mailiao’s hydraulic governance model not only succeeded in generating outstanding results but also in transforming how local fish farmers’ attitudes towards Formosa Plastics.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents摘要 2\n第一章、緒論 9\n壹、研究動機與問題意識 9\n貳、研究目的與研究設計 11\n第二章、文獻回顧 14\n壹、水利社會(Hydraulic society)與產業治理 14\n貳、水的物理治理特性和水利社會的治理 16\n參、水利社會下的治理及理論 17\n一、行動者(Follow the Actors) 18\n二、水的尋跡(follow the water) 23\n肆、研究方法與步驟 26\n一、研究方法與訪問對象 26\n二、研究架構與章節安排 29\n第三章、1950年~1990年:雲林縣麥寮鄉的傳統水利社會治理 33\n個案:雲林麥寮鄉漁業 33\n壹、公部門(Government services) 35\n一、地面水:河川的管理與水庫的建置 35\n二、地下水:開發地下水資源 37\n貳、私部門(Private company) 39\n參、漁民(Fisherman) 39\n肆、社會組織 (Public agency) 41\n第四章、1990年~2010年:台塑六輕的初期的水利社會治理 43\n壹、公部門(Government services) 44\n一、公部門水利治理職掌劃分 45\n二、開源與節流政策 47\n貳、私部門(Private company) 53\n一、土地使用的改變 54\n二、人口結構的改變 56\n參、漁民(Fisherman) 58\n肆、社會組織(Public agency) 62\n第五章、2010年~2019年:台塑六輕近期的水利社會治理 64\n壹、公部門(Government services) 66\n一、以農業為優先的水資源治理模式 66\n二、地方大於中央 67\n一、小而專業化的產業治理 70\n二、漁民認知與合作意願的開始 71\n一、無缺水意識的危機-與公部門的治理認知脫鉤 73\n二、對私部門認知的改變(私部門更有實質幫助及效率)—反對到認同 75\n一、成為私部門與漁民的搭建橋樑—平台角色 80\n二、創新科技導入養殖漁業─三個改變 83\n第六章、結論與限制 88\n壹、結論 89\n一、地方大於中央 89\n二、自治大於官治 91\n三、質大於量 91\n四、經大於政 92\n貳、研究限制與建議 93\n一、農民的產銷挑戰 93\n二、農業多功能重要性 93\n三、企業社會責任的運作模式 93\n參考文獻 94zh_TW
dc.format.extent3441972 bytes-
dc.subjectHydraulic societyen_US
dc.subjectFish-farming governanceen_US
dc.subjectFormosa Plasticsen_US
dc.subjectSmall-scale governanceen_US
dc.titleThe Private Sector in Fisheries Governance under Hydraulic Society: A Case Study of Mailiao Township, Yunlin County, Taiwanen_US
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