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題名: 公務機關雇傭條件差異下的激勵問題-公務人員與聘僱人員的比較分析
A comparative analysis on motivational issues of the civil servant and the employee in government : the employment conditions as a moderator
作者: 葉依婷
Yeh, Yi-Ting
貢獻者: 陳敦源
Yeh, Yi-Ting
關鍵詞: 聘僱人員
Organization justice
Job satisfaction
Public service motivation
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 3-Aug-2020
摘要: 我國政府自1969年即開始運用聘僱人力作為公務人員以外的補充人力,聘僱人員原本是為承擔短期性、計畫性等業務,以一年一簽的方式進用,但時至今日,聘僱人員多有於機關中久任的情形,且承擔的工作也與當時制度設計的目的不同,該等人力的運用目的及管理法制逐漸成為社會各界關注的議題。\n為提供聘僱人員管理制度的參考,本研究以公務人員及聘僱人員的相關權益進行比較分析,探討組織正義是否能作為聘僱人員的激勵因素,並藉此提升他們的工作滿意度,又公共服務動機是否能在組織正義及工作滿意度間扮演一個負向調節的角色。\n本研究發現組織正義確實能成為聘僱人員的激勵因素,並對工作滿意度產生正面影響,惟公共服務動機無法在二者之間發揮負向調節的功能,又前開因素的交互作用結果,不會受到身分差異(即是公務人員還是聘僱人員)的影響。\n基於上開發現,本研究提出針對不同等級聘僱人員調整報償設計、納入績效評比及獎罰分明概念、合理配置業務及人力、使人員業務負擔符合職責程度要求、強化知能訓練及增加公務行政訓練等建議,期望透過提升聘僱人員的組織正義感受,增加其工作滿意度,並因此提升工作意願,進而提高政府的效率及效能。
Since 1969, Taiwan has been supplement the civil servant by recruiting the employee who is originally intended for short-term, project-based business on an annual contract, but somehow working in the government in long-term and undertaking work deviating from the purpose of the employment system, hence making the management and the purpose of the employment system gradually become an issue.\nIn order to provide a reference for the employment system, this study compares and analyzes the rights and interests relevant to the civil servant and the employee to examine whether organizational justice can be a motivating factor for employees and thus enhance their job satisfaction, and whether public service motivation (PSM) can be a negative role in regulating organizational justice and job satisfaction.\nThis study found that organizational justice is indeed a motivating factor for employees and affects job satisfaction positively. However, PSM does not function as a negative regulator between the two, and the interactions of the preceding factors are not affected by status differences (i.e. whether be a civil servant or an employee).\nBased on the above findings, in order to enhance the employees` sense of organizational justice and their job satisfaction, this study proposes to adjusting the compensation design for different levels of employees, incorporating the concepts of performance appraisal, reward and punishment, rationalizing the allocation of business and manpower, assigning the business burden in accord with the level of responsibility, strengthening knowledge and competency training, and increasing official business training and thus to increase their working willingness, thereby increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the government.
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