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題名: 中學教師媒體素養教育之教學能力指標建構研究
The Construction of Indicators for High School Teachers’ Teaching Competence in Media Literacy Education
作者: 藍涵馨
Lan, Han-Hsin
貢獻者: 郭昭佑<br>陳揚學
Lan, Han-Hsin
關鍵詞: 媒體素養教育
Media literacy education
teaching competence
Concept mapping
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 3-Aug-2020
摘要: 本研究目的在建構中學教師媒體素養教育之教學能力指標,除提升教學現場效能、未來師資培育之外,亦提供具結構化的評鑑參考。研究流程的第一階段,以文獻探討析論出中學教師媒體素養教育之教學能力的20項指標。第二階段,以專家問卷進行指標修改調整,建立我國中學教師媒體素養教育之教學能力評鑑指標。第三階段,採用概念構圖問卷和集群分析整合媒體教育、資訊教育、教育行政三領域代表對指標的重要性評估,以及指標分群。最後一階段,以多元尺度法求取各構面的指標和權重,完成我國中學教師媒體素養教育之教學能力指標體系。\n\n根據研究結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下:\n一、本研究建構之中學教師媒體素養教育之教學能力指標,包含三個主構面、五個次構面和20項指標。\n二、中學教師媒體素養教育之教學能力,三大主構面中,重要性依序排列為「社會參與」、「自主行動」、「溝通互動」。\n三、中學教師媒體素養教育之教學能力,五個次構面中,重要性依序排列為「媒體資安」、「數位公民」、「使用媒體」、「理解媒體」、「創建媒體」。\n四、中學教師媒體素養教育之教學能力,重要性最高的前三項指標為「教師能教導學生合法運用媒體的行為」、「教師能教導學生具備資安意識,在利用媒體傳播訊息時,保護個人資料及隱私」、「教師能教導學生具備媒體互動的倫理規範」。
The objective of this study is to establish indicators of teaching competence in media literacy education for high school teachers. The indicators can not only contribute to classroom teaching effectiveness and future teacher training but also serve as a foundation for structural assessment. In the first stage of this study, a literature review was conducted to obtain 20 indicators of teaching competence in media literacy education for high school teachers. In the second stage, the indicators were modified and adjusted through an expert questionnaire to establish the domestic indicators of teaching competence in media literacy education for high school teachers. In the third stage, a concept mapping questionnaire and cluster analysis were utilized to integrate the assessment of the importance of these indicators by representatives from three domains, including media education, information education, and education administration, and then cluster the indicators. In the final stage, multidimensional scaling was applied to determine the indicators and their respective weights in each dimension and complete a domestic system of indicators of teaching competence in media literacy education for high school teachers.\n\nThe main findings of this research are summarized as follows:\n1.In this study, 20 indicators, 3 dimensions, and 5 subdimensions of teaching competence in media literacy education for high school teachers were established.\n2.In order of importance, the three dimensions of teaching competence in media literacy education are “social participation”, “autonomous action”, and “communication and interaction”.\n3.Among the five subdimensions of teaching competence in media literacy education, “media information security” is most important, followed by “digital citizenship”, “media access”, “media comprehension”, and “media creation”.\n4.The top three indicators of teaching competence in media literacy education for high school teachers are “being able to teach students to have lawful media use behavior”, “being able to nurture the awareness of information security in students and teach them how to protect their personal data and privacy while using media to exchange information”, and “being able to teach students to abide by the ethical norms of media interaction”.
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