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題名: 我拍故我在:男同志於健身房自拍的社群身體展演
I take selfies, therefore I am: gay men’s gym selfies as body presentation on social media
作者: 卓菁莪
Jhuo, Ching-O
貢獻者: 康庭瑜
Kang, Ting-Yu
Jhuo, Ching-O
關鍵詞: 男同志
Gay men
Fitness culture
Body experience
Social media
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 3-八月-2020
摘要: 健身運動為當今男同志社群中顯著的次文化,社群媒體上也充斥著男同志健身的影像以及體態相關的論述或個人意見。本研究發想於男同志健身者在健身房內自拍的現象,並聚焦於男同志健身者個人身體經驗;分析男同志健身者如何看待透過健身行為所打造的體態,了解健身自拍的動機與策略,以及探索分享健身自拍於社群媒體對男同志健身文化的影響。\n\n研究結果發現,男同志健身者在健身行為中經歷了身型成長,也迎合男同志社群對壯碩體態的推崇,並一再監控自我身體狀況與健身行為,確保體態仍符合於主流美體標準。自拍作為男同志健身者記錄自我體態的方式,也成為展示個人身體優勢的手段,同時應用數位素養與健身場域特質,打造更為誘人性感的身體;男同志健身自拍行為也使健身房形成一個性化又去性化的空間。社群媒體提供男同志健身者展演壯碩體態的平台,既可塑造個人形象,也能於體態展演中獲得愉悅感;分享自拍建構了性化體態展演的循環,並強化男同志圈內體態為重的主流價值觀,打造社群媒體上的男同志凝視景觀。
Hitting the gym has become a significant subculture of the gay community. Social media abound with images of gay men working out and posts about body image in the form of discussion and personal opinion. Prompted by the phenomenon of gay men taking gym selfies, this study focuses on the personal body experience of gay men building muscles, analyzes gay bodybuilders` thoughts on gym-built bodies, examines the motivation behind and strategies for selfie-taking, and explores how sharing workout selfies on social media has influenced and shaped gay gym culture.\n\nThe results of this study show that the interviewed gay men working on bodybuilding experienced physical growth, which caters to the gay community`s admiration of the hunky body image. They monitored their physical conditions and workout routines constantly in order to meet the prevailing aesthetic standards. For them, selfie-taking not only helped track the development of one`s body shape but also served as a means of showcasing their attractive physical aspects--by tapping into their digital literacy and the characteristics of the gym space, they were able to present an even sexier version of themselves. The act of gay men taking gym selfies has remade the gym, making it at once sexualized and desexualized. Social media has become a platform for gay bodybuilders to present their well-built physique, shape their personal image, and derive pleasure from body presentation. Selfie-sharing established a cycle of sexualized body presentation, reinforced the gay community`s obsession with body image, and ultimately created the "gay male gaze" phenomenon on social media.
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