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題名: 探討消費價值如何影響臺灣OTT TV忠誠階段 ——以盜版態度作為調節變項
The impact of consumption values on loyalty of OTT TV in Taiwan: with attitude toward piracy as the moderator variable
作者: 黃于軒
Huang, Yu-Hsuan
貢獻者: 曾國峰
Tseng, Kuo-Feng
Huang, Yu-Hsuan
關鍵詞: 忠誠階段
Loyalty phase
Consumption value
Attitude toward piracy
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 3-Aug-2020
摘要: 本研究以消費價值與忠誠階段的理論基礎,建立一主要效果模型;並且加入盜版態度變項,藉以探討其對於消費者在建立OTT TV忠誠度的過程中,是否產生調節作用。研究方法以調查法在PTT各個影劇板向正版影音平台使用者發放問卷,總共回收746份有效樣本。研究結果證實消費價值對忠誠度的因果關係,尤其「情感價值」與「新奇價值」對四個不同忠誠階段皆展現了顯著影響。而盜版態度的六個構面中,僅有「盜版的社會成本」與「個人威懾力」顯著調節主要效果,盜版態度整體在本次研究中沒有顯著調節作用。\n\n另外在本次研究中也觀察到,影音內容的中、重度使用者對於OTT TV有明顯的忠誠度產生、也有一定的付費意願,並且結果顯示他們不支持盜版平台。因此業者應試著除了要改善輕度或單次觀看者使用盜版的僥倖心態,也應該要選好策略、站穩步伐,先有深度再有廣度。此外,研究結果顯示「高忠誠、反盜版」與現實平台業者困境的矛盾,也可能代表著行為與想法的衝突,即使心態上不支持、但實際面臨選擇時,現實考量仍可能優先於「理想」。
This study is based on the theoretical basis of consumption values and loyalty phase. The main effect is a causal relationship between these two variables, and the attitude toward piracy is an added variable to explore whether it has a moderating effect on the process of consumers building their loyalty of OTT TV. In terms of the research method, survey method is adopted in this study. The questionnaire was issued on each movie and tv series online forum of PTT, and a total of 746 valid samples were collected from users of copyrighted audio/video platform. The results support the causal relationship between consumption values and loyalty phase, and the impact of “emotional value” and “epistemic value” on four loyalty phases are especially significant. Among the six dimensions of attitude toward piracy, only “the social cost of piracy” and “individual deterrence” significantly moderate the main effect. Thus, the overall attitude toward piracy has no significant moderating effect in this study.\n\nBesides, another observation of this study is that the moderate and heavy users of video content not only generate apparent loyalty towards OTT TV but also possess a certain willingness to pay. The results also demonstrate that they do not support piracy. Therefore, the companies should attempt to correct the sheer fluke mindset of light users and users who only watch the content once. Furthermore, they should choose a suitable strategy and expand their content from depth to breadth. Also, the results reveal the contradiction between “high loyalty and anti-piracy” and the predicament of platform providers in reality. This contradiction also represents the conflict between action and belief. Although the users may hold a negative attitude towards piracy, when they have to choose, the realistic considerations may still have priority over the “ideal.”
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