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題名: 企業網站之投資人關係內容比較研究─以台灣及美國大型企業為例
Online Investor Relations Strategies of Top Companies:A Comparative Study of Taiwan and U.S. Corporate Websites
作者: 江承樺
Chiang, Cheng-Hua
貢獻者: 鄭怡卉
Cheng, I-Huei
Chiang, Cheng-Hua
關鍵詞: 企業公關
Corporate Public Relations
Investor Relations
Dialogue Theory
Crisis Management
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 3-Aug-2020
摘要: 在現今網路普遍發達的時代,溝通的媒介也變得非常多元,然而對組織來說,網站一直是媒介中最核心的代表之一,尤其對需要進行許多商業往來的企業更是如此,網站成為企業最能有效掌握的的溝通管道。而在企業許多的利益關係人中,投資人則與企業的營運有著密不可分的關聯,除了財務訊息的例行溝通,許多不可預期的危機事件,也是影響股價和投資決策的一大因素,因此如何善用網路來向投資人傳遞完整的訊息已經是許多企業必須正視的問題。本研究以Kent & Taylor提出的對話溝通原則為基礎,用內容分析的方式來了解投資人關係網站的經營現狀。除了對台灣的網站進行量化分析之外,也將其與美國的網站進行比較。本研究在2019年天下雜誌發佈的「2000 大企業調查」和財星雜誌「美國前500強」排名中,各取100個企業的投資人關係網站為樣本,針對網站的「資訊實用性」、「介面易用性」、「再訪參與」和「對話循環」進行分析,總共有29個分析項目,另外在質化觀察部分,則以新冠肺炎疫情作為危機案例,對台美網站來進行觀察和討論。研究結果顯示美國的網站整體表現優於台灣網站,且在不同產業的表現水準也較台灣一致。最後進一步對兩地的網站進行質化觀察,發現美國企業在應對重大危機事件時,較擅長運用網站整合相關訊息並即時發佈,反觀台灣企業在運用網站處理危機時,則相對被動。
Nowadays, the medium of communication has become very diverse. The website is one of the core representatives of the medium, especially for the corporations. Because the corporations need to conduct many business transactions, the website becomes the most effective channel. Among many kinds of stakeholders, investors are closely related to the operation of the corporations. In addition to the routine financial information, there are many unexpected crises that affect the stock prices and investment decisions, so how to make good use of the investor relations website has become an important issue that many companies need to face.This study attempts to utilize the content analysis method to measure the investor relations websites based on the dialogue strategies proposed by Kent & Taylor. In the study, the Taiwanese websites are compared with the American websites. The samples of two hundred websites are respectively from “Taiwan Top 2000” in CommonWealth Magazine and the “Fortune 500” in Fortune Magazine. There are totally 29 items to test “usefulness of information”, “ease of interface”, “return visits”, and “dialogic loop”. In the qualitative method, the Covid-19 pandemic is used as a crisis case to observe the investor relations websites between two countries.After comparing the websites between two countries, it is found that the overall performance of the American websites is better than that of Taiwanese website. As for the qualitative observations, it is found that the American corporations are better at using investor relations websites to integrate and dislclose the information when facing the crises. In contrast, the Taiwanese companies are relatively passive when using websites to deal with crises.
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