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題名: 陸生社交媒體的跨文化適應
Acculturation in Taiwan: the study of social media use among mainland students
作者: 劉杰瑜
貢獻者: 黃葳威
關鍵詞: 跨文化適應
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 3-Aug-2020
摘要: 陸生赴台就學,不僅面臨著其他外籍學生在環境、飲食、生活上的阻礙,在兩岸相對特殊與敏感的政治環境下,兩岸社會制度的巨大分野,使身處其中的陸生受到相當的衝擊,而社交媒體的使用在提供社會支持,幫助跨文化適應上起到很大作用。\n本文以來台攻讀學位的大陸籍學生為研究對象,使用問卷調查法,發放278份問卷,從跨文化適應的角度,分析陸生微信、Facebook使用與感知社會支持、跨文化適應的關係。\n研究發現,陸生社交媒體使用與感知社會支持部分呈正相關,陸生感知社會支持與跨文化適應呈正相關,陸生社交媒體使用與跨文化適應部分呈正相關。
When mainland students went to Taiwan to study, they not only faced difficulties in the living environment, diet and daily life like any other foreign students, under the circumstances of the relatively special and sensitive political environment on both sides of the Straits, mainland students also suffered a considerable Culture Shock caused by the huge separation of the social system on both sides of the Staits. In this case, the use of social media plays a big role in providing social support and helping cross-cultural adaptation.\nIn this paper, mainland students who are studying for a degree from Taiwan are used as the research objects. Using questionnaire methods, such 278 questionnaires are issued to analyze the relationship between the use of WeChat and Facebook and perceived social support, and cross-cultural adaptation from the perspective of cross- cultural adaptation.\nThe study found that the part use of mainland social media was positively correlated with perceived social support, mainland students perceived social support was positively correlated with cross-cultural adaptation, and the part use of mainland social media was positively correlated with cross-cultural adaptation.
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