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dc.contributor.advisorHuang, Tong-Yien_US
dc.contributor.authorSung, Meng-Chunen_US
dc.creatorSung, Meng-Chunen_US
dc.description.abstractSpecifications of public construction in Taiwan are numerous and complicated, posing difficulties particularly to non-engineering professionals in Administrative Services Office. For non-engineering professionals, getting the whole picture of public construction procurement and contract management by putting two and two together seems a great challenge. Previous studies focus on the procedure making of each stage in public construction, error analyses, or quality of public construction, but few of them study the thoughts of non-engineering professionals or the interaction relationship of parties concerned.\nThe theoretical framework of this study is Institutional Ethnography. From the standpoint of case takers with experiences of disjuncture, this study discusses what extent do specifications of public construction affect attached offices, how contract management is guided by specifications of public construction, and the struggle between implementers, supervisors, and suppliers when\npenalty incurs.\nThis study starts with the introduction of the life cycle in public construction, pointing out the\nitems that implementers cooperate with suppliers in each stage and possible management methods\nand measurements for implementers. Incomplete contract theory explains the reasons to a majority of contract modifications. Managing contracts by setting up standards and specifications of service, and introducing rigorous performance assessment and correction system are also\ndelineated.\nWith current specifications from the Public Construction Commission, this study reviews how implementers evaluate penalties. Factors such as involvement of a third party, red tape,knowledge on contract management, and interaction between implementers and suppliers\ndetermine how severe a penalty is likely to be. Besides, this study depicts the operation of powers in a construction site from the aspect of implementers.\nFindings and limitations of this study offer a number of suggestions to improve contract management. Adoption of cooperative management or contractual relationship, the offer of extra training courses, the professional allowance to persons in charge of public construction, and nomination of contract management specialists or time management engineers could be taken into consideration.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景 2\n第二節 研究動機 3\n第三節 研究目的與研究問題 5\n第四節 章節安排 8\n第二章 文獻回顧 10\n第一節 公共工程契約概述 10\n第二節 公共工程全生命週期品質管理 16\n第三節 公共工程契約變更介紹 22\n第四節 公共工程之工期及展延問題 32\n第三章 研究途徑與方法 45\n第一節 建制民族誌 45\n第二節 研究方法 49\n第三節 研究設計 55\n第四章 工程規範對下級機關的約束力 63\n第一節 工程規範引導履約管理 64\n第二節 業主履約管理所面臨的困境 85\n第五章 業主、監造和廠商間互動關係 94\n第一節 三者間的拉扯--履約裁罰討論 94\n第二節 描繪工地現場的權力地圖 104\n第六章 結論 112\n第一節 研究發現 112\n第二節 未來建議 115\n第三節 研究限制 119\n參考文獻 121zh_TW
dc.subjectlife cycle in public constructionen_US
dc.subjectInstitutional Ethnographyen_US
dc.subjectcontract modificationsen_US
dc.subjectcontract managementen_US
dc.title你是不會做,還是害怕面對? 一個非工程專業人員的職場民族誌zh_TW
dc.titleCan`t you do this, or you are just afraid of it? An institutional ethnographic analysis of non-engineering professionalsen_US
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