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題名: 學生校內工作法律關係認定與權益保障之研究-以國立政治大學為例
A study on Legal Relationship and Right Protection of Students Working in Campus: Case of National Chengchi University
作者: 林姣利
Lin, Chiao-Li
貢獻者: 成之約
Cheng, Chih-Yu
Lin, Chiao-Li
關鍵詞: 兼任助理
Part-time assistants
Students working in campus
Service learning students
Teaching assistants
Scholarship students
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2020
摘要: 從近年來對於兼任助理是否視為勞工之爭議紛紛,直至2015年6月17日,勞動部與教育部發布指導原則(以下簡稱「兩原則」),將兼任助理分流為勞僱型與學習型,並由各校依照指導原則來進行分流之程序,將主導權轉交學校處置。緊接著又修正了分流機制,去除學習型兼任助理,重新定義為「獎助生」,更加強調學習目的、工作與學習的關聯性,避免濫用的情況。本文就學生校內工作之型態,加以歸納整理,並對於「兩原則」頒布前後之學生助理類型分類,並從目前法律實務及學理上之勞工認定,來檢視目前之規範對學生兼任助理或校內工作的保障是否充足,以及是否有尚未討論之模糊地帶。另一方面,本文經由實際訪談的現況,檢視在現行的政策施行下,學生於校內工作過程是否有哪些問題尚未解決,抑或產生其他衍生性的問題,發現撇除長期以來爭議的勞工身分認定問題外,工資與工時亦是影響學生生活最重要的部分。最後,本文認為學生與勞工身分並不衝突,不論是否以學習為目的,有給付勞務之實,即便學習成分較高,都應將雇傭關係納入校園,使得學生之勞動權益獲得保障。
In recent years, there have been controversies over whether part-time assistants are regarded as employees. Until June 17, 2015, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education issued guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the "two principles"), dividing part-time assistants into labor-employed and learning-oriented , And each school will carry out the diversion procedure in accordance with the guiding principles, and transfer the leading power to the school for disposal. Subsequently, the triage mechanism was revised to remove the learning-type part-time assistant, and redefine it as "awarded student", and put more emphasis on the purpose of learning and the relevance of work and study to avoid abuse. This article summarizes and sorts out the types of students on-campus work, and classifies the types of student assistants before and after the promulgation of the "Two Principles", and examines the current regulations for students serving as assistants or on-campus from the current legal practice and academic labor identification Whether the job security is adequate, and whether there are ambiguities that have not been discussed. On the other hand, through actual interviews, this article examines whether there are any unresolved problems in the work process of students in the school under the current policy implementation, or other derivative problems that have arisen, and it is found to exclude the long-standing controversial issue of labor identification In addition, wages and working hours are also the most important part of students` lives. Finally, this article believes that there is no conflict between student and labor status, regardless of whether it is for the purpose of learning, there is a real payment of labor, even if the learning component is high, the employment relationship should be included in the campus, so that the labor rights of students are protected.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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