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題名: 零工經濟勞動者勞動保護規範之探討 -以應用程式執行按需工作為例
Study on labor protection for gig workers: an example of work on-demand via apps
作者: 高慧珠
Kao, Hui-Chu
貢獻者: 劉梅君
Kao, Hui-Chu
關鍵詞: 零工經濟
gig economy
platform economy
sharing economy
gig workers
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2020
摘要: 數位經濟崛起,當以完成差事為主的零工大軍崛起,原有的全職工作漸漸地被企業進行自動化或委外,透過平台來派發工作,根據國內外相關調查均顯示,未來此類從業人員的數量將大幅提升,然而在這波零工經濟浪潮下,一些屬於勞動市場中較為弱勢、沒有議價能力、技術門檻較低的清潔服務、外送服務勞動者,在這個終身僱用制式微的年代,這些零工經濟勞動者連最基本的職災權益保障,都沒有跟上零工經濟規模的快速擴張,淪為名符其實的危境勞工,國內去年發生兩起外送員死亡車禍事件,社會才驚覺原來外送員不屬於僱傭制,沒有保勞保,沒有後續職災保障,凸顯此類勞動者所處的高風險、低保障現況。\n\n為深入探討我國零工經濟勞動者相關議題,本研究蒐集國內外文獻資料,檢視我國及德國、英國、美國及澳洲現行針對零工經濟勞動者相關的勞動權益及職災保護機制,加以評估分析;並藉由個案訪談,瞭解因應零工經濟就業型態興起,對相關勞動者所產生的影響,發掘能兼顧零工經濟勞動者之勞動權益及職災保護的模式,進而如何利用該模式來支援未來勞動政策與法規的調整,以及在此模式下政府應如何致力於使勞資雙方權益更為調和,提出具體政策建議。\n\n研究發現,在僱傭關係認定方面,英美法系國家由法院實質審定廣泛控制力,大陸法系國家則以現有法令擴大解釋僱傭關係。在最低勞動與職業安全保障方面,澳洲建立勞務執照條例制度、紐約市保障接案司機最低工資等措施值得我國借鏡。國內外平台企業多以規避僱傭制讓受雇者自擔風險,面對層出不窮的新興企業和僱傭結構,針對新創產業制定專法或專章與周延相關連動法規(條)已是刻不容緩。此外,零工經濟勞動者易陷入不穩定勞動陷阱,亟需政府予以正視是類人員勞動保障規範。\n\n研究建議包括:一、建立全職種職業災害保護機制。二、利用新科技加強對零工經濟勞動者就業狀況之掌握。三、鼓勵工會利用或開發新型應用程式以保護勞權。四、擴大平台業者/勞務需求者之責任。五、擴大界定勞動樣態光譜,現階段推動平台企業為其所屬委外承包人員投保「彈性全時段保險」。六、加強對平台業者管理,建立平台業者執照管理制度。七、透過輔導獎勵零工經濟勞動者自行建立「平台勞動合作社」。八、加速推動勞動教育促進法專法施行。
With the rapid development of gig economy,more and more companies hire workers without offering them formal employment status by way of misclassifying them as independent contractors. However, nearly all traditional workplace protections apply only to“employers” and “employees,” to the exclusion of workers who perform work through platforms. Gig workers are vulnerable at risk of precariat. For example, the death accident of Uber Eats and Foodpanda driver occurred in 2019 has aroused public concern about the lack of social protection for gig worker.\n\nIn order to improve the situation as above,the study reviewed domestic and overseas literature, including Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia concerning labor protection for gig workers. In addition, this study employed in-depth interview to understand the participants’s experience of gig work and their attitude toward current protection for digital platforms workers.\n\nFour findings are worth summarizing: Firstly, different countries have already attempted to create forms of employment that are somewhere between ‘regular’ employment and self-employment, for instance the ‘employee-like person’ in Germany. Secondly, it was a positive example as to the Labor Hire License in Australia and the minimum wage guarantee for Uber driver in New York City .Thirdly, the biggest challenge is to find a single response to the myriad of newly arising business and employment structures. Fourthly, gig workers being easy to fall into the precarity trap deserve more policy attention.
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資料類型: thesis
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