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題名: 我國退役職業籃球選手職業生涯之研究
Study on career of retired professional basketball player in Taiwan
作者: 林泊穎
Lin, Po-Ying
貢獻者: 劉梅君
Liu, Mei-Jun
Lin, Po-Ying
關鍵詞: 生涯規劃
Career Planning
Career Transition
retired professional basketball player
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2020
摘要: 本研究以生涯規劃及生涯轉換的角度,探討台灣退役職業籃球選手的生涯軌跡和其為生涯規劃所作的準備。研究對象為,曾在SBL職業聯賽出賽且已經在社會上工作的六位退役職籃選手。藉由文獻回顧法、半結構深度訪談法了解退役職業籃球員生涯發展之歷程,探討退役職業籃球員生涯轉換之因素、選手第二職涯規劃的選擇以及退役後在新工作上的適應。\n研究發現,一、研究對象能成為職籃選手的契機,主要仰賴球團主動接洽並詢問其入隊意願。二、退役的考量因素主要包含年齡、內心動機滿足、薪資考量、合約、傷病、球團政策。三、在擔任職業球員時期,較早開始思考退役後轉職的因素,包含擔心自己無法在職業賽場上生存、薪資不穩定、看到隊友退役後省思自己的退役規劃、年紀因素…等等。四、退役後生涯轉換的方向,包含從事教職(大專院校、高中、國中小老師)、接受母球團的生涯輔導、投入籃球運動相關產業。五、轉職後的適應上,需要與人溝通協調的機會較球員時期頻繁。六、職籃球員因運動訓練及賽事,培養出高抗壓性及好勝心,對轉職後有幫助,且可以善用其高知名度拓展人脈,以尋求下一個能發揮自己長處的職場。\n本研究針對學生運動員、職籃新秀、聯盟、球團提供以下建議。學生運動員在從事運動專項訓練之餘,不應該荒廢課業,容易造成職場競爭力的提早流失;職籃新秀要認知到打球並非一輩子的工作外,目前台灣職籃環境大多數的球員僅靠打球薪資,是無法維持退役後的生活,所以應善用練球及比賽之餘,提升自己的第二專長;球團及聯盟方面,則可以利用休賽季,提供球員制度性的職業訓練。
This thesis aims to explore the career development of Taiwan’s retired professional basketball players and their preparation for career planning from the perspective of career planning and career transition. Besides, the thesis is based on the six retired professional basketball players who have played in the SBL (Super Basketball League). Through literature review and semi-structured in-depth interview, this study examines the factors that influence career transition and the choice of second career planning of professional basketball players, as well as their strategies of adaptation to new jobs after retirement.\n\nThe thesis shows that: 1) those who want to become professional basketball players have a good chance if the basketball organization see their potential and invite them to join the team. 2) The factors that lead to their retirement primarily are age, satisfaction of inner motivation, salary, type of contract, injury, and team’s policy. 3) During their professional player period, they begin to think about the issue of job transition after retirement. Factors such as how long they can survive in the professional games, unstable salary, retirement planning of other teammates and age all contribute to their thinking about retirement and related preparation. 4) Their career transition after retirement includes becoming teachers, serving as staff working for the teams, and accept career guidance by the basketball team, and work in basketball-related industries. 5)The requirement for the skill of communication and coordination increases after job transition. 6) With the high pressure resistance ability, competitive spirit, and a good reputation, professional basketball players have the advantages of expanding their career network and adapt well after job transition.\n\nThe following suggestions are proposed for student-athletes, rookies of the professional basketball league, leagues, and teams. Student-athletes might pay more attention to schoolwork and make themselves competitive in the future workplace in addition to engaging in special training. Rookies of the professional basketball league have to realize that playing basketball is not a lifetime job and this profession is not developed well. Therefore, it is imperative that improving their second expertise would be a better choice. It is suggested that teams and leagues should provide player professional training during the off-season.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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