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題名: 高中第二外語韓語教材分析研究 —以韓、法、泰三國為例—
A Study on Korean Textbooks of Second Foreign Language Education for Senior High School Students:Focusing on Korea, France and Thailand
作者: 陳金巧
Chen, Ching-Chiao
貢獻者: 陳慶智
Chen, Qing-Zhi
Chen, Ching-Chiao
關鍵詞: 高中第二外語教育
Korean textbooks
Second foreign language education for senior high schools
Korean language education
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-九月-2020
摘要: 臺灣於高中第二外語韓語教學的發展上已有相當的歷史,韓語教育的向下扎根的趨勢已日漸成熟,但這樣的韓語教學環境中卻遲遲缺少一本針對臺灣高中生所量身打造的第二外語韓語教材,而為改善此問題,本研究以法國、泰國及韓國所出版之韓語教材為例,希望以他國教材為借鏡,藉由了解教材的優缺點,能夠使臺灣在編撰高中第二外語韓語教材上能夠有所參考。\n本研究分為五個章節,第一章緒論中首先說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法,並規劃出研究架構與流程,及針對文獻進行探討。於第二章各國高中第二外語教育中的韓語教育裡,將由發展歷程及教材此兩大方向出發,分別針對他國,包含法國、泰國、韓國及臺灣的韓語教學進行全面性的了解。而第三章則是對於教材文本的分析,於第一節首先探討三本於不同國家所出版的高中第二外語韓語教材其結構與內容之特點,這些教材包含法國的『一起學韓語!A1-A2』、泰國的『韓國語1』及韓國的『韓國高中生標準韓語1』。本研究以此三本教材為重心,並於第二節中透過問卷調查進一步了解受試者對於教材的感受與認知。第四章將以問卷調查的結果為基礎進行剖析,進而歸納出各教材的優缺點及身在教學現場中的教師與學生們對於教材的想法。最後一章將統整前幾章所得之研究內容,為將來臺灣發展高中生第二外語韓語教材做參考,並提供後續研究方向建議。
Taiwan has accumulated considerable experience and achievements in the development of teaching Korean as a second foreign language in senior high schools and thus Korean language education has gradually matured. However, this kind of environment has long lacked textbooks tailored for Taiwanese high school students. To improve this situation, this study analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of Korean Textbooks of Second Foreign Language Education for Senior High School Students which published in France, Thailand and South Korea to create a reference for Korean textbooks to be published in Taiwan someday.\nThis study is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1, the introduction, explains the research motivation and purpose, research scope and methods, describes the research structure and process and discusses the literature. Chapter 2 discusses Korean as second foreign language education in senior high schools in various countries, where two major directions in the development process and the textbooks proper can be discerned. This chapter also describes Korean as second foreign language education in other countries, including France, Thailand, South Korea and Taiwan.\nChapter 3 analyzes the text of the textbooks. Section 1 discusses the structure and content of three Korean textbooks of second foreign language education for senior high school students in different countries. These textbooks include 『Apprenons le coréen ! A1-A2』 in France, 『Korean 1』 in Thailand and 『Standard Korean 1 for Korean High School Students』 in South Korea. Section 2 presents a questionnaire-based survey conducted to further understand the respondents’ feelings and thoughts about the textbooks.\nChapter 4 analyzes the results of the questionnaire survey and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the teaching materials concerned and the opinions of teachers and students using them. The fifth and final chapter integrates the research content from the previous chapters to create a reference for the future development of Korean textbooks of second foreign language education for senior high school students in Taiwan, and offers suggestions for future research.
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