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dc.description.abstract俄羅斯東正教會在過往蘇聯時期長期遭受政府壓迫,直到Mikhail Gorbachev時期宗教改革政策的催化下,開啟重返民間社會舞台之濫觴。21世紀政教關係密切,因此被俄羅斯外長Sergey Lavrov稱為夥伴關係。2000年俄羅斯總統Vladimir Putin為填補蘇聯瓦解後意識型態下的真空與國族認同問題,欲透過東正教會彰顯其所主張「主權民主」 (sovereign democracy),並作為俄羅斯民族精神、道德、文化及語言之守護者。\n\n在國際衝突中,宗教因素時常成為一些國家獲取政權合法性支持度的手段之一,並運用在政治分裂的國家及地區,其中宗教價值觀則是國家「軟實力」組成的重要部分,藉此凸顯俄羅斯的傳統文化並爭取於國際社會上的話語權。\n\n長期以來烏克蘭內部宗教派系持續紛擾,親俄派勢力烏克蘭正教會莫斯科牧首區(The church of the Moscow patriarchate)對抗國族派烏克蘭正教會基輔牧首區(The church of the Kyiv patriarchate)以及烏克蘭自治教會(Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church),雙方為爭奪國內東正教會正統地位而不斷發生衝突。\n\n本文欲透過以俄羅斯「公共外交」理論中「軟實力」的宗教視角來檢視其國際實踐,同時並探究俄羅斯東正教會在烏克蘭危機上所扮演的角色。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRussian Orthodox Church had been oppressed by the government for a long time during the periods of Soviet Union regime. The reforming and revolutionary system of religion has not been activated and released until Mikhail Gorbachev`s restructuring. The relation between Orthodox Church and the authority were getting closer when they moved the 21th century. As described by Sergey Lavrov, foreign ministry of Russia, called it 「partnership relationship」shows the facts. In order to fill the vacuum gap of ideology of national recognition by Soviet Union disintegrated to the Russian people, Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, intended to state the idea of 「sovereign democracy」through the operation influence of Orthodox Church to build the guardian image of the Russian in spiritual、moral、culture and language to the people.\n\nDuring the international conflicts, religious factors were often to be used as excuses by powerful countries to legally obtain the regime which were politics-split areas or countries. The value of religion is always to be center core of 「 soft power」 for the hegemonies to their diplomatic manners , as the Russia tried to highlight its traditional culture and to earn the right to speak in the world stage.\n\nUkraine has been factional struggled within the domestic Church at all time, two groups of one supported by Russia as The church of the Moscow patriarchate against the other one as The church of the Kyiv patriarchate, with Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church at the same camp, fight for the Orthodox status in all cost.\n\nThis thesis try to stand at the religious angle to use「soft power」through strategic public diplomacy theory to exam the global fulfillment of Russia, and to study the role play of Russian Orthodox church during the Ukraine crisis.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第壹章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與目的 1\n第二節 文獻回顧 7\n第三節 研究途徑與方法 19\n第四節 研究範圍與限制 21\n第五節 章節安排 27\n第貳章 21世紀俄羅斯東正教會的發展歷程 29\n第一節 Gorbachev時期(1985至1991年) 31\n第二節 Yeltsin時期(1991至2000年) 40\n第三節 Putin時期(2000年至今) 43\n第四節 小結 51\n第參章 東正教會與俄羅斯公共外交 55\n第一節 俄羅斯公共外交 57\n第二節 東正教的軟實力 67\n第三節 國際社會的實踐 74\n第四節 小結 83\n第肆章 東正教會與烏克蘭危機 85\n第一節 俄烏關係 87\n第二節 烏克蘭危機 91\n第三節 烏克蘭內部教會衝突 100\n第四節 小結 112\n第伍章 結論 115\n參考文獻 121zh_TW
dc.format.extent4660595 bytes-
dc.subjectPublic Diplomacyen_US
dc.subjectSoft Poweren_US
dc.subjectOrthodox Churchen_US
dc.subjectRelation Between Russia and Ukraineen_US
dc.subjectUkraine Crisisen_US
dc.titleThe Role of Orthodox Church in Russian Public Diplomacyen_US
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