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dc.contributor.authorHsu, Shun-Chiehen_US
dc.creatorHsu, Shun-Chiehen_US
dc.description.abstractCompared with Taiwan, Kinmen has an extremely important strategic position despite its small size. It not only often involves complicated and sensitive political, economic and social issues on both sides of the strait, but also the smuggling behavior between the waters of the Jinsha and Xiamen. The epitome of behavior. Based on this, this article attempts to focus on the smuggling issues in the areas of Kinmen and Xiamen, and conducts a comprehensive review through the service dispatch of the maritime patrol agencies, analyzes and summarizes the application of the smuggling crime model in the Kinmen area, and analyzes it through literature. To understand the significance of the regulations on smuggling prevention in the Kinmen region, and to explore the similarities and differences between the two sides in anti- smuggling, and it is expected to help to take the necessary countermeasures and serve as a reference for the revision of the law to provide reference for the research on the crimes of anti- smuggling by the maritime patrol agency Golden Gate.\nThis study analyzes the successful smuggling cases seized in the smuggling area of Kinmen from 2006 to 2008, and analyzes the crime patterns and methods of the case status and the representative crime patterns, and combines the duties of the maritime patrol agencies. The deployment outlines the case-solving process, how to proactively break through the predicament of smuggling crimes in the face of the ever-changing crime tactics of private property owners, and the fact that the number of investigators reduced every year after adjustment by the maritime patrol organization. At this point, this study will conduct an in- depth discussion on the actions of the maritime patrol agencies in the first line of actual investigations.\nBased on the above research motives and objectives, the maritime patrol agencies have to investigate the difficulties and difficulties faced by them, and how to properly and specificallyimprove the methods. This study summarizes the following five points to be strengthened and implemented:\n1. The state-owned ships are built in the country and the sea is illegally blocked.\n2. The domestic intelligence resources are shared with each other to expand the sources\nof intelligence.\n3. Increase scientific and technological manpower and implement security inspection\nservices.\n4. Assist local fishermen in transition and reduce incentives.\n5. Establish cross-strait judicial cooperation and investigate at the source.\nThe long-term smuggling in the Kinmen region has reminded the long-term mutual\nexchanges between the two sides of the strait. The special issues of the Kinmen region are negotiated through multilateral roles of different levels of the public sector. The consensus on the treatment of hidden crisis phenomena has become a test of formal contact between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1\n第二節 文獻檢閱 6\n第三節 研究途徑與方法 11\n第四節 研究範圍與限制 14\n第五節 研究架構 15\n第二章 金門地區走私犯罪發展與變遷 19\n第一節 金門與廈門走私犯罪發展脈絡 19\n第二節 走私犯罪的成因與類型 24\n第三節 走私犯罪的時機與模式 30\n第四節 走私犯罪的進行與分工 35\n第五節 小結 42\n第三章 海巡機關對金門走私犯罪防治政策與作為 45\n第一節 海巡機關查緝走私之防治政策 45\n第二節 海巡機關查緝走私之勤務部署 53\n第三節 海巡機關查緝走私之作業機制 60\n第四節 小結 67\n第四章 海巡機關對金門走私犯罪成效與評估 69\n第一節 海巡機關查緝走私案件數統計 69\n第二節 海巡機關查緝走私案件分析 78\n第三節 海巡機關查緝走私成效評估 88\n第四節 小結 91\n第五章 結論 93\n第一節 研究發現 93\n第二節 未來展望與建議 95\n參考文獻 99zh_TW
dc.format.extent6679748 bytes-
dc.subjectCoast Guard Administrationen_US
dc.subjectCauses of smugglingen_US
dc.subjectSmuggling modeen_US
dc.titleCross-strait investigations on smuggling-A case study of Kinmenen_US
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