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題名: 中國互聯網保險發展研究
Internet Insurance Development in China
作者: 劉宣妤
Liu, Hsuan-Yu
貢獻者: 姜家雄
Chiang, Chia-Hsiung
Liu, Hsuan-Yu
關鍵詞: 互聯網保險
Internet insurance
Life insurance
China`s insurance industry development
Insurance intermediaries
Insurance sales channels
Online insurance purchase
Internet insurance
E-commerce insurance
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-九月-2020
摘要: 有鑑於中國2014開始推動保險業發展並積極的將互聯網保險納入國家發展重點,但3年後的2017互聯網人身保險占保險市場約3.7%,人身保險保費占保險市場約70%,占比仍相差懸殊。因此,本研究將以互聯網保險為背景,並聚焦在人身保險部分,對互聯網保險業發展進行資料的整合與分析。主要探討中國推動互聯網保險發展的原因,並找出人身保險業目前發展中的阻礙,後續深入分析互聯網保險對保險中介的沖擊以及互聯網保險發展中的問題。研究發現,中國保險業發展之初因採取官定費率與粗放式發展,導致日後保險市場中產生銷售誤導、產品同質化、重量不重質等問題,需借助互聯網保險的優勢來突破目前保險發展的困境。研究結果顯示,互聯網保險因目前缺乏完全互聯網化的保險產品與平台資本投入不足而遇發展瓶頸,因此短期內暫不會對保險仲介市場產生相當沖擊,因此建議保險機構應繼續對互聯網保險相關之大數據進行收集、分析,維繫服務品質並持續了解消費者需求,才能為客戶推出差異化的產品,創造保險價值。本研究結果可供未來探討中國互聯網保險發展之參考,協助相關研究作進一步分析。
China started to promote the development of the insurance industry in 2014 and actively incorporated Internet insurance into the national development focus. However, 3 years later, in 2017, Internet life insurance only accounted for about 3.7% of the insurance market, while life insurance premiums accounted for about 70% of the insurance market. The proportions of the two are still very different. Therefore, this study will take the Internet insurance as the background and focus on the life insurance part, and integrate and analyze the data of the development of the Internet insurance industry. This study mainly explores the reasons why China promotes the development of Internet insurance, and finds out the obstacles that the personal insurance industry is currently facing. Also, this study will analyze the impact of Internet insurance on insurance intermediaries and the problems that Internet insurance faces in the future. This study finds that due to the adoption of official rates and extensive development (crude management) at the beginning of the development of China`s insurance industry, problems such as misleading sales, homogeneity of products, and placing focus on quantity rather than quality in the insurance market will arise in the future. And it will be necessary to take advantage of Internet insurance to break through the current difficulties faced by insurance development. The results of this study show that Internet insurance has encountered development bottlenecks due to the current lack of fully Internetized insurance products and insufficient capital investment in platforms. Therefore, although it will not have a considerable impact on the insurance intermediary market in the short term, this study still recommends that insurance institutions should continue to collect and analyze big data related to Internet insurance, maintain service quality, and continue to understand consumer needs in order to provide customers with Launch differentiated products and create insurance value. The results of this study can be used as a reference for the future development of Internet insurance in China, and assist related research in further analysis.
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