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dc.contributor.advisorWang, Mei-Lingen_US
dc.contributor.authorTsai, Hsiu-Chenen_US
dc.creatorTsai, Hsiu-Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討桃園地區餐飲科教師實習課程之資訊需求與資訊行為,為了瞭解桃園地區餐飲科教師之教學資訊需求及資訊尋求行為概況,隨機抽查20位餐飲科不同證照類型之教師進行深入訪談與問卷調查,研究結果發現如下:\n一、 教學資訊需求方面:桃園地區高中職餐飲科教師教學資訊需求以「實習課程、證照輔導及競技」為主要需求來源,尋找教學資訊以「補充教材內容,擴展學生見聞,吸引學生注意力讓課程更有趣」為主要因素,最常使用之資訊類型為「數位影音型態」,且大多運用於「教學課堂中」。\n二、 資訊尋求行為方面:桃園地區高中職餐飲科教師之教學資訊尋求管道或途徑以「網路搜尋、研習與進修、教師同儕」為主;尋找資訊管道之因素會以「請教同儕教師及可用資訊多寡」為考量;影響其取得教學資訊之因素中以「完善教學設備及取得方便性和教學資源取得難易」為主;資訊搜尋過程中常遭遇「資料量過多且不易篩選」的問題;最後,遭遇尋求資訊阻礙時,較常使用之解決方式為「請教同事與專業人士」。\n三、 使用圖書館與網路資源方面:在圖書館資源方面,多數新進教師與資深教師認為校外圖書館資源比校內圖書館藏豐富且完整,也較能符合教學所需教材類型。在網路資源方面,不論在證照輔導、技藝競賽培訓與實習課程教學,新進教師、技術教師與資深教師都會透過網路搜尋管道,搜尋證照、學術科試題修正和更新,認為透過網路搜尋教學資訊是最便捷方式。\n四、 實習課程價值對學生影響\n多數教師認為成功餐飲教師之特質應具備「證照多、監評資格及教學熱情」,且教師之成就感多來自於學生的成就。\n根據研究結果提出以下建議:\n一、 對教育主管單位之建議\n(一) 減少或調整招生行政工作,讓教師回歸餐飲教學專業與班級經營。\n(二) 提高圖書館餐飲相關經費與數位資源,使教學設備更完善。\n二、 對教師建議\n(一) 建制餐飲科雲端資料庫,分享課程、輔導證照與技術競賽相關資訊。\n(二) 定期聚會、班級經營交流與討論、分享教學觀摩與技巧,提升新進與技術教師教學效能。\n三、 對未來研究建議\n(一) 擴大調查對象與範圍,以真實反映餐飲科教師資訊需求現況。\n(二) 延伸探討主題,深入分析專任教師與技術教師對於輔導丙級證照、技藝競賽選手培訓教學上之差異。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn order to understand the teaching information needs and information seeking behavior of catering teachers in Taoyuan area, 20 teachers with different catering licenses in the catering department are randomly selected for in-depth interviews with the questionnaire survey, the findings of this study are shown in the following:\n1. In terms of teaching information needs.\nThe teaching information needs of high school vocational catering teachers in Taoyuan area are based on "enrollment, license counseling, and technical competition counseling" as the main source of demand, and "supplement the content of teaching materials, expand students` knowledge, and attract students` attention to the curriculum."\n2. In terms of information seeking behaviors.\nTaoyuan area high school vocational catering teachers’ teaching information seeks to use “advising peer teachers and the amount of available information” as the consideration factor for finding information channels; taking “Internet search, study and further education, teacher peers” as The way to obtain the required information; with "improving teaching equipment and accessibility, and difficulty in obtaining teaching resources".\n3. The use of library and Internet resources.\nIn terms of library resources, most new teachers and senior teachers believe that the resources of the off-campus library will be richer and more complete than those of the on-campus library, and they are more suitable for the types of teaching materials required for teaching. In terms of online resources, no matter in the license counseling, competition training and internship course teaching, new teachers, technical teachers and senior teachers will search through the Internet search channels to search for licenses, academic test questions amendments and updates.\n4. The value of internship courses for students.\nMost teachers believe that the qualities of a successful catering teacher should have "many certificates, qualifications for supervision and evaluation, and enthusiasm for teaching".\nBased on the research results, the following suggestions are made:\n1. Suggestions to educational supervisors.\n(1) Reduce or adjust the administrative work of enrollment to allow teachers to return to the catering teaching profession and class management.\n(2) Increasing the funds and digital resources related to catering in the library, and making teaching equipment more perfect.\n2. Suggestions to teachers.\n(1) Establish a cloud database for the Catering Department to share information about courses, licenses and technical competitions.\n(2) Regular gatherings to share and demonstrate teaching methods and skills to enhance the teaching effectiveness of new and technical teachers.\n3. Suggestions for future research.\n(1) Expand the survey targets and scope to truly reflect the current situation of the information needs of catering teachers.\n(2) Extend the theme and analyze the differences between full-time teachers and technical teachers in training and teaching certification and skill competition contestants.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents謝辭 i\n中文摘要 iii\nAbstract v\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 問題陳述與研究動機 1\n第二節 研究目的 2\n第三節 研究問題 3\n第四節 名詞解釋 4\n第二章 文獻探討 8\n第一節 餐飲科教師教學專業與成長 8\n第二節 高中職教師教學資訊需求 17\n第三節 高中職老師教學之資訊行為 22\n第三章 研究設計與實施 28\n第一節 研究範圍與限制 28\n第二節 研究設計 28\n第三節 研究方法 30\n第四節 研究工具 31\n第五節 資料蒐集與分析 34\n第六節 研究實施流程 40\n第四章 研究結果與討論 42\n第一節 受訪者基本資料 42\n第二節 餐飲教師教學角色與實習課程教學現況 44\n第三節 實習課程教學資訊需求 52\n第四節 實習課程教學資訊行為 70\n第五節 實習課程教學資訊資源與圖書館使用 75\n第六節 實習課程教學價值與學生學習關係 82\n第七節 綜合討論 92\n第五章 結論與建議 100\n第一節 結論 100\n第二節 建議 104\n參考文獻 108\n附錄 118\n附錄一 訪談同意書 118\n附錄二 餐飲科教師教學資訊需求與資訊行為訪談大綱 119\n附錄三 本訪談基本資料問卷 120zh_TW
dc.format.extent3347996 bytes-
dc.subjectteaching informationen_US
dc.subjectinformation needsen_US
dc.subjectinformation seeking behavioren_US
dc.subjectcatering teacheren_US
dc.titleStudy on the Information Needs and Information Behavior of Catering Teachers Internship Course – Case of Taoyuan Districten_US
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