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題名: 吉爾吉斯與國際機構醫療合作研究:對臺灣開展吉爾吉斯醫療外交的啟示
A Study of Health Care Cooperation between International Organizations and Kyrgyzstan:Implications for Taiwan to Launch Medical Diplomacy in Kyrgyzstan
作者: 孫國聖
Sun, Gwo-Sheng
貢獻者: 魏百谷
Wei, Bai-ku
Sun, Gwo-Sheng
關鍵詞: 醫療外交
Medical Diplomacy
International Cooperation
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2020
摘要: 臺灣迄今雖無法加入聯合國,然仍善盡做為地球村一分子責任,積極尋求參與國際醫療援助等合作機會。臺灣醫療援助對象多為中低收入國家,主要場域為邦交國所在的中南美洲、非洲、大洋洲,此外亦包括鄰近臺灣的緬甸、柬埔寨、越南等國。吉爾吉斯在內的中亞國家長期以來皆被臺灣官方忽略,屬於臺灣醫療援助較少接觸的地區,主因為遭受中共阻攔,使得單純的人道醫療服務活動往往染上外交角力色彩。然而中共在中亞亦非無往不利,由於一帶一路戰略含有經濟殖民意涵,以及新疆關押維吾爾人進行再教育事件,引發吉爾吉斯民眾對中共不滿,造成中共近來形象受創,給予臺灣進入吉爾吉斯活動契機。\n本研究探討過程分為三步驟,首先側重吉爾吉斯醫療發展的情形,針對吉爾吉斯如何擺脫蘇聯醫療框架的束縛,探討系列政策作為之成效。其次將探究吉爾吉斯在無法獨力達成建構全民醫療願景下,尋求國際機構合作的情形,就國際合作機構的屬性與類別,雙方開展合作的途徑,以及雙方企圖達成之目的進行分析。最後則以吉爾吉斯與國際機構合作情形為鑑,運用SWOT分析找出臺灣擁有之優劣勢,以及外部環境所施加之機會與威脅,盼能避開劣勢、降低威脅、放大優勢、善用機會,以提升臺灣開展吉爾吉斯醫療合作的可能性。本研究主要有二項發現:首先是,吉爾吉斯擺脫蘇聯影響,爭取國際機構合作,提升醫療服務之成效顯著,惟未來尚需借重國際機構持續協助始能維持。其次是,臺灣善用國際協力,開展與吉爾吉斯的醫療合作,前景看好。
So far, Taiwan has not been able to join the United Nations, but it still fulfills its responsibilities as a member of the global village and actively seeks opportunities for cooperation such as participating in international medical assistance. Taiwan`s medical assistance targets are mostly low- and middle-income countries, the main areas are Central and South America, Africa, and Oceania, and most of them are countries with diplomatic relations with Taiwan. In addition, it also includes countries such as Myanmar, Cambodia, and Vietnam, which are adjacent to Taiwan. Central Asian countries, including Kyrgyzstan, have long been ignored by Taiwanese officials. They belong to areas that Taiwan has less contact with medical assistance. The main reason is that they are blocked by PRC, which makes pure humanitarian medical service activities often stained with diplomatic wrestling colors. However, PRC is not always advantaged in Central Asia. Due to the economic colonization of the One Belt One Road strategy and the detention of Uyghurs in Xinjiang for re-education, the Kyrgyz people are dissatisfied with PRC, which has recently damaged PRC’s image and gave Taiwan opportunities to enter Kyrgyzstan.\nThe research process is divided into three stages. Firstly, it focuses on the development of Kyrgyz healthcare services, and discusses the effects of a series of policies on how Kyrgyzstan can get rid of the constraints of the Soviet medical framework. Secondly, it will explore Kyrgyzstan`s efforts to seek cooperation with international institutions when it is unable to achieve the healthcare system on its own. It will analyze the attributes and categories of international cooperation institutions, the ways in which the two parties can cooperate, and the goals that both parties are trying to achieve. Finally, taking the situation of cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and international institutions as implications, using SWOT analysis to find out the advantages and disadvantages of Taiwan, as well as the opportunities and threats imposed by the external environment, hoping to avoid disadvantages, reduce threats, enlarge advantages, and make good use of opportunities. Improve the possibility of Taiwan`s development of Kyrgyz medical cooperation. There are two main findings in this study: Firstly, Kyrgyzstan got rid of the influence of the Soviet Union and achieved remarkable results in seeking medical cooperation with international institutions. However, if the Kyrgyz medical system is to continue to develop, it still needs to rely on the assistance of international institutions. Secondly, Taiwan should and could make full use of international cooperation to develop medical cooperation with Kyrgyzstan, and the prospects are broad.
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