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題名: 中國大陸「一帶一路」倡議之效應與歐盟因應之道
Chinese One Belt, One Road and European Confrontation
作者: 張孟仁
Chang, Meng Jen
貢獻者: 國際關係學報
關鍵詞: 「一帶一路」倡議  ;  「新絲綢之路」  ;  「歐盟─中國連通平台」  ;  「歐盟外資審查框架」  ;  「歐亞互聯」 
 The "Belt and Road" Initiative  ;  One Belt One Road(OBOR)  ;  New Silk Road  ;  EU-China Connectivity Platform  ;  Framework for Screening of Foreign Direct Investments  ;  Connecting Europe and Asia-Building Blocks for an EU Strategy
日期: 十二月-2018
上傳時間: 8-十月-2020
摘要: 「一帶一路」倡議亦或是「新絲綢之路」構建了全球發展的新階段。中國大陸透過大量投資建設有形基礎設施(即道路,機場,海事和能源)強化了中國大陸與亞、非、歐洲的經濟關係。「歐盟-中國連通平台」、「歐盟外資審查框架」與「歐亞互聯」計畫是歐盟針對中國大陸「一帶一路」倡議所陸續出現的回應,顯示出歐盟從一開始嘗試配合(「歐盟-中國連通平台」),轉而出現疑慮,試圖推出「歐盟外資審查機制」防止中國大陸利用「一帶一路」投資或收購歐盟會員國港口、戰略或高科技領域的部門。隨著這幾年來「一帶一路」引發了種種疑慮,最後,歐盟在擔憂中國大陸憑藉經濟優勢,假「一帶一路」擴張地緣影響力的考慮下,終於加速推出了醞釀已久的「歐亞互聯」計畫與中國一別苗頭。
"The Belt and Road Initiative" or "New Silk Road" has built a new phase of global development. Such initiative strengthened economic relations between China and Asia, Africa and Europe by building tangible infrastructure, such as roads, airports, maritime and energy through a large of substantial investment. "EU-China connectivity platform", "a framework for screening of foreign direct investments into the European Union" and "Connecting Europe and Asia-Building blocks for an EU Strategy" are EU`s responses to China`s "One Belt, One Road" initiative. It shows that the EU has tried to cooperate with China from the beginning, but past few years went by, the "One Belt, One Road" have arisen various doubts. The EU has tried to launch the "EU Framework for Screening of Foreign Direct Investments" in order to scrutinize Chinese investment or to against acquisition of the ports, strategic or high-tech sectors of EU Member states. Finally, the EU has speeded up launching the long-awaited "Eurasian Interconnection" project to contain China as the EU is worried about the expansion of Chinese geo-politic influence with its economic advantage.
關聯: 國際關係學報, 46, 62-101
資料類型: article

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