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題名: 台灣無人機表演產業之商業模式研究
A research on Drone Show and its business model in Taiwan
作者: 劉念慈
Liu, Nien-Tzu
貢獻者: 陳清河
Liu, Nien-Tzu
關鍵詞: 無人機
business model
Internet of Things
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 3-Nov-2020
摘要:   在未來 10 年內,無人機全球產值(市場規模)將高達新台幣 4.2 兆,達到全球半導體設備市場總值之 3.5 倍之多,而無人機的應用除了航拍功能以外,逐漸多元與廣泛,例如農業或災難勘查、環保監測、新聞賽事直播....等,其中「無人機表演」以科技導入,結合聲光與視覺效果的無人機演出,試圖透過跨領域的創作與藝術表演,結合科技呈現新興的展演方式,創造出有文化內涵之數位展演新方向,立即成為全球各大城市節慶的熱門表演,我國市場也為跨國企業及本土廠商所競逐。\n  本論文運用相關文獻的研究資料,以及現今產業在市場上所進行發展為基礎,透過全球數位網路進行多層次與多元之資料收集與研究分析,來進行相關專家學者之深度訪談,針對國內外無人機產業及商業模式進行分析研究,同時也點出了本國無人機表演未來發展之機會與將面臨之各種挑戰,期望提供未來想進行研究無人機或投資無人機表演相關業者,甚至從事無人機表演教學設計與規劃的單位作為參考。
  The output value (market scale) of drones is expected to reach 4.2 trillion NT dollars globally in the next ten years. This is equivalent to 3.5 times the value of the\nglobal semiconductor equipment market. The application for drones has grown much more diverse and comprehensive so alongside Aerial Photography, it is now also used to assist with agriculture surveying, disaster investigation, environmental monitoring, news broadcasting and live streaming events.\n  The “drone light show” is providing a new direction for digital performance through its sound, light and visual effects. This combination of technology and performing arts is opening opportunities for cross domain creations by creating its own cultural niche that is demonstrated in many festivals worldwide. The popularity of this technology has allowed the Taiwan market to compete not just nationally but internationally.\n  This thesis addresses the opportunities and challenges that may face the future development of drone performance through analysing the industry and business models; evaluation of the development of the current industry and conducting in-depth interviews with experts and scholars. It will provide a broad picture of the present drone industry with a focus on drones research, investment, usage, performance along with training.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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