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dc.contributor.advisorJan, Jihn-Faen_US
dc.contributor.authorKuo, Wei-Lunen_US
dc.creatorKuo, Wei-Lunen_US
dc.description.abstract各國政府對於文化資產日漸重視,紛紛制定相關規章做明確定義並加以保護。隨著科技進步蘊育而生的數位典藏,乃藉由數位化方式做資料保存,現今已廣泛應用於文化資產的紀錄,欲透過數位典藏讓文化資產永續發展。\n本研究以三維建模作為數位典藏的方法,首先利用攝影測量技術建立建物三維模型,快速獲得低成本的三維建模成果。接著三維建模初步成果匯入電腦繪圖與視覺化軟體,進行模型的編修與渲染,使三維模型能更具有真實感,解決過去虛擬實境場景臨場感不足之問題。\n為了將三維模型做更延伸的應用,本研究採用近年快速發展的虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)技術,運用3D遊戲開發引擎Unity,開發程式以追蹤頭盔與控制器達成互動性操作。在沉浸式的場景中,導覽內容則是加入位於政治大學校園內歷史悠久的四維堂、果夫樓、志希樓三棟校舍之背景故事,並利用SteamVR連接HTC Vive Pro,最終讓使用者能體驗到沉浸式的虛擬實境環境。\n本研究利用三維建模技術將歷史建築物以數位方式進行典藏,並結合虛擬實境的人機互動應用,可做為文化資產教育的教學模式,期能激起保存文化資產的動機,促進文化資產活化再利用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractGovernments of various countries are paying more attention to cultural heritage and have formulated relevant regulations to clearly define and protect them. The digital archives has been born with technological advancement, which uses digital methods for data preservation. Nowadays, it has been widely used in documenting cultural assets. It is hoped that the sustainable development of cultural assets can be achieved through digital archives.\nThis study used 3D modeling as a method of digital archive. Firstly, a 3D model of a building was established using photogrammetry technology to rapidly obtain low-cost 3D modeling results. Then the preliminary results of 3D modeling were imported into computer drawing and visualization software to edit and render the model, so that the 3D model can be more realistic and solve the problem of lacking realism in the previous virtual reality scenes.\nTo extend the application of 3D model, this research adopted the rapidly developed VR (virtual reality) technology, and used a 3D game development engine, Unity, to develop programs for tracking HMD (head-mounted display) and controllers to achieve interactive operations. In the immersive scene, the content of tour includes background stories of three historic buildings on the campus of the National Chengchi University, which are Si-Wei Hall, Guo-Fu Building, and Zhi-Xi Building. Then SteamVR was used to connect to HTC Vive Pro to let users experience an immersive virtual reality environment.\nThe study uses 3D modeling technology to create digital archive of historic buildings. Combining with human-computer interaction through virtual reality, it can be used as a teaching model for cultural heritage education. It is expected to stimulate the motivation of cultural heritage preservation, and facilitate revitalization and reuse of cultural heritage.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents謝誌 I\n摘要 II\nAbstract III\n目錄 IV\n圖目錄 VI\n表目錄 VIII\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 1\n第二節 研究目的 4\n第三節 研究架構 6\n第二章 文獻回顧 7\n第一節 文化資產 7\n第二節 三維建模 15\n第三節 虛擬實境 29\n第三章 研究方法 39\n第一節 研究區域 39\n第二節 研究設備與軟體 42\n第三節 研究理論基礎 51\n第四節 研究流程 62\n第四章 研究成果 63\n第一節 四維堂、果夫樓、志希樓三維模型 63\n第二節 連接Steam VR與Unity 72\n第三節 政治大學文化資產建物數位導覽 74\n第五章 結論與建議 91\n第一節 結論 91\n第二節 建議 94\n參考文獻 95zh_TW
dc.format.extent7254142 bytes-
dc.subjectPreservation of Cultural Heritagesen_US
dc.subjectDigital Archivesen_US
dc.subject3D Modelingen_US
dc.subjectVirtual Realityen_US
dc.titleIntegration of 3D Modeling and Virtual Reality for Cultural Heritage Preservationen_US
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