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dc.contributor.advisorHsu, Wen-Yaoen_US
dc.contributor.authorChang, Yu-Chenen_US
dc.creatorChang, Yu-Chenen_US
dc.description.abstractAccording to the psychopathological model of social anxiety disorder, attentional bias for social-evaluative stimuli is an aetiological or maintaining factor of social anxiety. However, inconsistent results of attentional bias index were found in social anxious group by the dot-probe task. Some researchers hypothesized difficulties of attentional control led to higher attentional bias variability in high-anxious group. Nevertheless, studies of attentional bias variability also yielded inconsistent results in social anxious group. Present study hypothesized that, due to fear of negative evaluation, high social anxious group may try hard to concentrate on the dot-probe task, and may not show higher attentional bias or attentional bias variability in compared with control group. Present study used dot-discrimination task to clarify if there were significant difference of attentional bias or attentional bias variability between high and low social anxious college students. The results were consistent with the hypothesis, there were no significant differences of attentional bias between groups, and attentional bias variability was significantly larger in low social anxious group than high social anxious group. The results supported that people with social anxiety was more concentrated in the task. However, in comparison with the previous studies, researcher found that the different choice in social-evaluative stimuli may confound the results. Therefore, the problems of choosing social-evaluative stimuli in the dot-probe tasks were discussed.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第壹章、 文獻回顧 7\n第一節、 注意力偏誤在社交焦慮病理模式中扮演的角色 7\n第二節、 點偵測作業的原理、設計變遷及應用 10\n第三節、 社交焦慮族群的注意力偏誤研究 14\n第四節、 社交焦慮族群的注意力訓練研究 20\n第五節、 點偵測作業信度問題 27\n第六節、 注意力偏誤變動的觀點 29\n第七節、 社交焦慮者特性與作業特性的影響 35\n第八節、 研究問題 38\n第貳章、 實驗方法 41\n第一節、 參與者 41\n第二節、 情緒臉孔刺激 42\n第三節、 點型態區辨作業 42\n第四節、 研究量表 43\n第五節、 實驗流程 44\n第六節、 資料分析 45\n第參章、 實驗結果 46\n第一節、 組別間性別、年齡、量表分數、行為資料差異 46\n第二節、 注意力偏誤指標 48\n第三節、 注意力偏誤變動指標 50\n第四節、 行為指標與FNE、SAD的相關分析 50\n第肆章、 討論 51\n第一節、 注意力偏誤指標 51\n第二節、 注意力偏誤變動指標 54\n第三節、 社交焦慮者的點偵測作業威脅刺激選擇問題 58\n第四節、 研究限制 59\n第伍章、 參考文獻 61zh_TW
dc.format.extent766234 bytes-
dc.subjectAttentional biasen_US
dc.subjectAttentional bias variabilityen_US
dc.subjectFear of social evaluationen_US
dc.title從注意力變動觀點探討 社交焦慮大學生的注意力偏誤機制 —以點偵測作業為例zh_TW
dc.titleClarifying the Mechanism of Attentional Bias of Social Anxious College Students from the Perspective of Attentional Bias Variability- Taking dot-probe task as an exampleen_US
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