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dc.contributor.advisorMa, Ai-hsuan Sandraen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Chien-Yuen_US
dc.creatorHuang, Chien-Yuen_US
dc.description.abstractThe teacher education system has been reformed from a planned format to a reserve scheme today. Unlike the past, employment is no longer guaranteed upon graduation for those who receive trainings to be high school teachers. The current generation of intern teachers are facing multiple challenges under this institutional transformation. The scant literature about the life course of intern teachers reveals that the intern experience and future career development of intern teachers are deeply connected with the teacher education system and the social environment. To fully grasp the picture of high school teachers’ professional development, this study not only attempts to understand the intern teachers’ motivations to become high school teachers, but also explore the challenges they face in the current teacher education system and the coping strategies they adopt during the internship period. The purpose of this study is two-fold. The first objective is to explore the social context and major support systems for cultivating a teacher. Second, from the perspectives of dramaturgy, emotion work, and life course theory, it examines the ways in which intern teachers respond to challenges faced during the internship, and how they find meanings in this internship that they experienced during the emerging adulthood.\nThe research data was collected through semi-structured interviewing, with sixteen interviewees participated in the interviews. Major research findings are as follows: First, being a female, majoring in certain disciplines, and having sufficient economic capital are more likely to choose to become a teacher. This is related to social expectations and the linkage between education and labor market. Second, intern teachers have multiple front stages during the internship in school, facing constant stares and scrutiny as if they are in the panopticon. Third, most intern teachers are in the period of emerging adulthood, and the unpaid status makes them feel confused about their social identity. Fourth, because the internship is unpaid and the prospect of having a career as a high school teacher is highly uncertain, only those who have sufficient economic capital may afford to choose to pursue this profession. This may lead to class reproduction and hinder social mobility. Fifth, most intern teachers who later decide to pursue careers in other fields are able to exert agency by discovering the connection between their internship experiences and career pursuits and creating the linkage between learning and practice.\nThis study proposes the following suggestions for the current teacher education system. First, make the school selection information transparent, so that intern teachers can find the schools speaking the same language. Moreover, change the matching process of mentors and interns from school assignment to interviews between mentors and interns in order to facilitate mutual understanding prior to the internship and the satisfaction of both parties of the internship. Second, an intern teacher should be given a reasonable salary or allowance since he or she takes partial responsibilities of a full-time teacher. Doing so may further alleviate the financial pressure on intern teachers thereby could prevent class reproduction.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 研究動機 1\n\n第二章 文獻探討 5\n第一節 實習教師專業養成規劃 6\n第二節 實習制度背景脈絡與實習教師角色定位變遷 7\n第三節 生命歷程理論(life course theory)12\n第四節 實習場域中的自我呈現與角色扮演 15\n第五節 實習在不同場域的功能與實務經驗研究 16\n一、學校實習 17\n二、醫院實習 18\n三、海上實習 20\n四、企業實習 20\n第六節 小結 22\n\n第三章 研究問題與研究方法 24\n第一節 研究問題 24\n第二節 研究重要性與貢獻 26\n第三節 研究方法 27\n一、田野場域與樣本 27\n二、資料蒐集與分析 28\n三、受訪者基本資料 29\n\n第四章 啟程:跑在成為教師的路上 30\n第一節 我為何而來? 30\n一、個人層面 30\n二、社會層面 33\n三、文憑主義:證照效應 38\n四、生涯備胎 40\n第二節 成為教師的起跑點:大學師資培育中心 41\n第三節 尋一所學校,種下屬於我的幸運 45\n一、跨越或跌落:從模組化課程到中學實習 45\n二、我的實習學校,誰說了算? 47\n三、雙向選擇:我如何選校,學校如何選人 51\n\n第五章 跑起來:半年的實習路 55\n第一節 師父領進門 55\n第二節 多重任務中的角色扮演 59\n一、與輔導教師的應對進退 60\n二、學生眼中的我,我眼中的學生 68\n三、行政實習面面觀 75\n第三節 是老師?是學生?實習教師的定位摸索 80\n一、從「衣」開始:什麼是「穿的像『老師』」? 80\n二、一種化妝,多重凝視 84\n三、「環形監獄」:是誰,看著我的一舉一動? 85\n第四節 渴遇?渴求?尋覓教學補給站 87\n一、實習場域:教學共同備課社群 87\n二、自主尋覓:參與研習、實習夥伴 92\n第五節 披上「隱形斗篷」的勞動:走過無給薪180天 94\n一、代課監考,有利有弊 94\n二、當經濟支持遇上「轉大人時期」 96\n三、我的經濟,下班開始 97\n四、實習身分,三層失落 100\n第六節 小結 102\n\n第六章 回望中,前行 105\n第一節 實習的意義 105\n第二節 我學,我教,我反思 107\n一、我們相聚,半年太短還是太長? 107\n二、漸行漸遠的教師夢 109\n第三節 實習教師的所學與所用 116\n第四節 小結 117\n\n第七章 結論 119\n第一節 研究發現 119\n一、誰更容易選擇成為教師:性別期待、就讀科系、經濟資本 119\n二、在角色扮演中自我規訓:舞台中央的環形監獄 120\n三、當無薪遇上轉大人時期:社會身分與認同迷失 121\n四、不支薪實習制度與教職稀缺:優勢族群階級複製不利社會流動 122\n五、在所學與所用之間,發揮個人能動性 123\n第二節 研究建議 124\n一、共享遠勝中樂透:選校資訊透明化、師徒面談 124\n二、用愛發電,電走斷炊有志者 125\n第三節 未來展望及研究限制 127\n第四節 尾聲・終點線 128\n\n訪談大綱 130\n參考文獻 132zh_TW
dc.format.extent5084821 bytes-
dc.subjectIntern teacheren_US
dc.subjectTeacher education systemen_US
dc.subjectLife courseen_US
dc.subjectEmerging adulthooden_US
dc.subjectEmotion worken_US
dc.titleA 180-Day Marathon of High School Intern Teachers: A Study on the Teaching Practicumen_US
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